Notes For Door-To-Door Salesmen

  1. I don’t like door-to-door salesmen.
  2. Door-to-door salesmen are not allowed by the HOA.
  3. Being a perfect stranger coming to my door and asking what home security systems I have installed is bad.
  4. Trying to sell me Internet Of Things, web-based, security systems is insane
  5. Oh, yeah. A “security” company rep so unobservant, completely lacking situational awareness, as to miss all the “no soliciting signs” does not recommend the company to me.

Don’t be that guy. He actually seemed shocked that I especially didn’t want to tell him my security secrets.

Could have been worse. There was one person so suspicious that I called the police, and they thought the report was weird enough that put out a BOLO, and pulled her over.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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