If you haven’t seen the ‘Just The News’ Fulton County Analysis, you need to.

Just The News got documents from Georgia Secretary of Scum Raffensperger’s office. They’re from the November 2020 “risk limiting audit,” so this is what he knew when he was telling everyone the election was perfectly fine, no problems, nothing to see here.

  • More than 100 batches of absentee ballots — each containing approximately 100 or more ballots — were assigned tracking numbers before being sent to one of the five absentee vote-counting machines in Fulton County but are not subsequently recorded in the handwritten logs showing which batches were scanned and counted, raising concerns the ballots may be missing.
  • More than two dozen batches of absentee ballots were identified as having been double-scanned on the tally sheets.
  • Five sequential batches of absentee votes each appeared with the exact same vote count of 392 for Biden, 96 for President Donald Trump, and 3 for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, a count that state officials admitted was a statistical impossibility.

They found other serious problems, but these three by themselves — without even looking at the ballots themselves — tell me that I can have zero confidence in Fulton County’s reported election results. In an election decided by less than 12,000 votes, Fulton County alone had serious problems with at least 12,900.

Ten thousand+ that may have never been counted at all.

2,400 double counted, generating an extra 1,200 votes (that alone is over 10% of the winning margin).

One batch that appears to have been scanned five times, resulting in another 400 bogus votes.

Whether it was deliberate fraud or massive incompetence, those three issues just by themselves should have prevented the certification of the election. And if Raffensperger had a whiff of honesty, they should have triggered a criminal investigation last year.

Since it didn’t, Raffensperger needs to be removed from office and criminally investigated.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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