Did you get the “Delta variant” of ChinCOVID?

How do you know? Did your doctor tell you?

How did he know? Did the PCR test lab tell him?

They’d better not have.

You aren’t legally allowed to know which variant gave you COVID-19 in the US, even if it’s Delta
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS), which oversees the regulatory process for US labs, requires genome-sequencing tests to be federally approved before their results can be disclosed to doctors or patients.
So far, Wroblewski said, more than 50 public labs in the US are capable of sequencing coronavirus samples to detect variants. But she’s not aware of any labs that have completed the validation process to get federal approval.

In my niece’s case, they told her it was Delta because she had head and spinal pain, no fever. That’s real specific, huh? A retired RN said that sounded more like meningitis.

We’re told that Delta is now the most prevalent strain in the US. How do they know?

Is that based on CDC lab screening? Where are the tested samples coming from? What’s geographic distribution? How many samples?

Is it based on screening data from those 50-something labs given to the CDC , when they can’t give it to… you? Again: distribution and quantity of samples? The CDC doesn’t share that info.

On the bright side, we know they have test results from all states; but we know zilch about the number of tests per state, or the geographic distribution in the state. Do all of Georgia’s tests come from Atlanta, home of the CDC? What would that says about variants down in rural southeast Georgia?

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what that Delta dominance claim is based on?

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

3 thoughts on “Did you get the “Delta variant” of ChinCOVID?”

  1. I believe Connecticut gives the results of genome sampling in a weekly report. I’ve seen a copy of the graph from a third party but have not yet found the report myself. Number of weekly samples tested the last 3 month varies from a high of 325 to a low of 17, usually between 100 and 200 a week.

    I can’t seem to paste it into this reply but would be glad to forward it if I had an email address. If I find a link to the actual report, I’ll update this reply.

      1. Thanks for the link. The information is also in file:///C:/Users/skinn/AppData/Local/Temp/CTDPHCOVID19summary9022021.pdf, pages 10 and 11, including a link to the source database which is worldwide. At least we have some information about the source of the claims, “voluntary” reporting limiting completeness of data notwithstanding.

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