An Interesting Paper On ChinCOVID Pseudo-Vaccines And Myocarditis

She says this was peer reviewed and accpted for publication, but that she chose to pull it and publish on Substack so that any backlash would fall only on her.

Is it possible to avoid heart damage from the COVID vaccine? Or do all COVID-vaccinated people have some myocarditis?
In the absence of extraordinary and deliberate measures to block ACE2 receptors and CD147 receptors and/or Caspase 3/7 activity, is it then possible to expect that cardiac pericytes and endothelial cells could escape the pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic effects of the spike protein, especially considering that protein’s perpetual regeneration in vaccinated people? Could a therapeutic be invented for vaccinated people to protect their cardiomyocytes and pericytes from spike protein damage, and to be dosed frequently enough to combat the body’s ongoing spike protein production? If such an expectation is not realistic, then mRNA vaccines that prepare human cells to generate an unknown supply of spike proteins for an unknown amount of time are to be treated with extreme caution and avoidance until better understood.

Much of her thesis is based on a point I raised in November last year, and more publicly here mid-December.

We don’t know much spike protein the body will produce in reaction to these pseudo-vaccines, nor for how long.

Instead of injecting a known quantity of a known protein to stimulate an immune response, this tricks the body’s cells into mass producing the proteins. How much? Who knows. It’ll vary widely from individual to individual. Delayed –for days or weeks — anaphylactic shock is a possibility.

Back then I was only thinking in terms of anaphylactic shock in response to all that foreign protein. But now we know about spike protein toxicity.

I think mRNA vaccines needed a lot more testing before going to mass human use. It’s a neat idea in theory, but I’m not sure enough that it’s ready for primetime to take it.

I stand by that statement today.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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