Just Focusing On Energy and Prices

For now.

The Dementia Boy Admin is doing its best to price ordinary Americans out of the energy market. Not futures trading; just buying gas, electricity, heating homes. Shutting down construction on a pipeline, ending new leases, “looking into” shutting down another existing pipeline.

Do anything to ease the situation? Energy Sec Granholm thinks the very idea is “hilarious.” (I think she’s getting cackling lesson from Knee Pads Harris.)

They don’t give a shit what we have to put up with. They don’t care; they got theirs.

When you’re a millionaire who knows best for everyone else, who cares about energy prices? They can afford it. No one’s going to shut off their power, gas, water for nonpayment. Then again…

In my novel Net Assets, as the US began to Balkanize — and especially out west — utilities to federal facilities and the homes of federal officials became… unreliable. Accidental shutoffs for nonpayment due to “computer errors.” Mystery line breaks. Plenty of “Hell, why not?”

As with many of the plot elements in NA, that wasn’t entirely original with me. I got it from history, across the world. “It has happened before. It will happen again.”

Maybe. It wouldn’t surprise me if other people started considering it as “Let them eat cake” Granholm laughs at their misfortune.

I figure I’d find it “hilarious” if her electric and gas got cut off this winter.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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