More Garbage Polling From AP

Saw this bit of crap.

Support for Mask Requirements in Public Persists Although Worries about Infection Continue to Decline
Fifty-six percent of Americans favor requiring the public wearing masks on planes, trains, buses, and other means of public transportation, compared with 24% who oppose and 20% who don’t have an opinion about the requirement. Americans are also more likely to favor than oppose requiring people at crowded public events and workers who interreact with the public to wear face masks.


I found that rather dubious, so I dug into their poll data. Basically, the “support” comes from Democrats. Which meant I had to dig further, until I found this breakdown of polled people by party.

Democrat: 44%
Republican: 36%

The problem is that Republicans are the plurality, not Dimocrats, and have been for most of a year.

Per AP’s methodology they specifically and deliberately selected to over-represent Dims.

Unknown is why a bunch of Dims — who believe masks work — think their masks don’t work, and demand that everyone else wear one to protect them. Except… they’re dim.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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