Just When I was Liking The Way He Is Making Lefty Heads Implode

I’m not really a fan of Elon Musk. But, yeah, the whole Twitter thing has been fun, as the socialists freak out over the possibility of losing a fragment of control.

But Musk really can’t help returning to his own left-wing roots.

Delgado: Thoughts on the AR-15 discussion or too controversial for you to weigh in on?

Musk: Assault rifles should at minimum require a special permit, where the recipient is extremely well vetted imo

A couple of points, Tesla-boy.

1. He asked about AR-15s, not assault rifles.

2. Assault rifles for civilians are limited to those manufactured and registered by May 1986. They are heavily regulated under the NFA. Lawfully obtaining one requires a $200 tax, background checks, permission slip/tax stamp, and the process can take many months before you can take possession. The deliberately restricted market has driven up prices of transferable assault rifles to insane levels even without the NFA and sales taxes. You could afford one; I can’t.

Basically, assault rifles do require extreme vetting and “special permits.”

How ’bout you STFU until you have a clue as to what you’re talking about.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

One thought on “Just When I was Liking The Way He Is Making Lefty Heads Implode”

  1. They simply ignore this fact and Make Up what they need for there argument.

    I dont even engage them.
    I would rather argue with a Stop Sign or Brick Wall.

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