
As seen at Knuckledraggin’.

56K? Snot-nosed kid.

I remember using 50WPM teletype.

Modems? My first personally owned modem was a Hayes Smartmodem 300 (yes, 300 baud; not 300K, children). Over the years, I worked with 1200 baud, 2400 baud…

I thought my brand new 14.4K modem was shit-hot. 28.8? Whoaaa…

And then the 56Ks came out. Sunnuvabi…

If anyone has ever wonder why my sites/blogs tend to be pretty barebones by 21st century, I-have-5G-and-gigabit-fiber standards, now you know.

And you don’t want to get me started on storage media. Sure, I still have 8″, 5.25″, and 3.5″ floppies.

But who else here used paper tape?


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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