“911; what is your emergency?”

Caller: I’ve got home invaders and shots fired. Will you send someone out to clean up the bodies, or should I just leave them at the curb for the weekly trash pickup?


Uvalde Police: We waited 40 minutes while a nut gunned down people.
Juneau County Sheriff’s Office, WI: Hold m’beer… Wait. I’ll hold it. We’re gonna be a here a while. Got a Snickers?

Wisconsin judge’s alleged killer identified; Whitmer, McConnell, Evers among 13 names on hitlist
He is accused of entering the New Lisbon, Wisconsin, residence of 68-year-old retired Judge John Roemer, at approximately 6:30 a.m. Friday, when Juneau County Sheriff’s deputies received a call notifying law enforcement of an armed person and two shots fired inside the home.

The caller had exited the home and contacted law enforcement from a nearby home, according to the Wisconsin DOJ. Following failed attempts to negotiate with Uhde, the Juneau County Special Tactics and Response Team entered the residence at approximately 10:17 a.m. and located Roemer deceased.

Three hours and forty-five minutes. To take down a guy who’d already taken himself down. Note that no shots, other than the initial 6:30 AM rounds, are mentioned.

When seconds count, the police…

Kinda makes you wonder how long it took for the judge to die.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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