“F*cking Wait”

Not looking good for Uvald schools police chief coward Arredondo.

Uvalde School Police Chief Arredondo said ‘Tell them to f*cking wait’ as kids died
Radio logs released on June 22 are painting a clearer picture of the Uvalde school shooting timeline, and in one critical moment at 12:16 pm, a child was on an emergency line reporting that several kids were still alive and begged for police to enter. In response to the added pressure to breach the room, Chief Arredondo reportedly said, “Tell them to f*cking wait!” according to a timeline of radio communications posted to Twitter by CNN correspondent Shimon Prokupecz.

So much for his claim that he thought there were no more kids, and it was just a barricaded suspect situation.

I imagine there are some grieving parents who’d like to have… words with him.

But I assuming he’s going into hiding now.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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