EV Class

The Secretary of Energy is doing a multi-state tour to promote electric vehicles. She’s traveling in an electric Cadillac that I’ll never be able to afford short of winning a lottery jackpot. But the kicker?

She’s apparently sending gas-powered vehicles ahead to hold spots for her at charging stations, blocking out the little people actually trying to charge.

Biden’s Energy Sec Runs Into EV Charger Shortage on Tour Touting ‘Green’ Energy
Granholm drove through the southeastern U.S. in her electric vehicle, media in tow, showing people how a road trip in an EV works.
“Yesterday, we stopped at a fast charger where one of the chargers was broken, right? … There were more people who wanted to charge than there were chargers.

“And one person who was waiting actually called the cops about a non-electric vehicle that was trying to hold a spot for the secretary of energy. Turns out that’s not a crime, the cops said who showed up.

And “battery belt”? I live here, and I’ve never heard it called that before.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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