I guess you get what you pay for.

What a week… so far. An area Internet outage kept me offline for more than 24 hours. It only came up a few minutes ago, and already…

A few days ago, The Zelman Partisans reported on a recent 6th Circuit panel ruling on bump stocks. Finally logging in, I find this comment:

This happened way back in March. You are just now reporting on it?

Excuse us. TZP is small. The folks actively researching and writing on these matters are a handful. We are not well-funded. We — I, specifically — write about issues as I become aware of them. Besides the usual firearm-related news, I struggle to keep up with the status of a few hundred bills in Congress, and more lawsuits than I can count.* While early on I attempted to follow all the bump-fire stock cases (especially the ones in which I and TZP are cited), I lost control of that when the number of those cases alone went over ten.

I do what I can.

If someone wants me to keep up specifically with their pet issue, they can make it fiscally possible to focus on it. Hit my tip jar, and maybe I won’t have to “waste” my time on other things. For that matter, if you want The Zelman Partisans to do your news tracking for you, become a paid member (which “Geoff” doesn’t appear to be). We don’t have many members, not enough to actually support operations — I don’t get paid –, so basically what we do is done gratis. You’re welcome.

Sorry about the whining over such seemingly petty BS; but when I’m struggling to pay my bills, it pissed me off to come out of an extended ‘Net outage to find someone else whining that I’m not providing free shit for him fast enough. Must be a Democrat.

* And there’s the stream of emails from people asking advice on what orgs to support, where to find assorted state and federal laws, more state-level legislation, and so on. Oh, yeah; and the occasional congressional staffer asking for guidance on firearms, ATF, or more legislation. I’m the go-to guy for a surprising number of folks, considering I’m just an unpaid nobody.

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Let’s see how that could play out.

A dipstick asks a stupid question.

If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

But I ask you: even if it was, even if guns were banned tomorrow, why should we be so afraid? If you know and love Jesus and are going to spend eternity in Heaven with him, why does the idea of not having guns anymore scare you so much?

I could imagine it going something like this.



-appears before the Judge-


You. Stupid. Fuck. I gave you the greatest possible gift: LIFE. And you threw it away. You passively gave in to evil. AND you left your children defenseless against evil. You let evil triumph and destroy the greatest gift.

I/WE tried to explain this to you. That bit about “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword”? That meant actively AGGRESSING against others unnecessarily; a life of violence.

I/WE also told you “if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” That was so you would have defensive tools to fight evil.

But… but…

You know what? You SURRENDERED to evil; evil can have you.

-hits down button-

Eeeee….! -scream fades into distance-


If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in my tip jar. I could really use the money, what with ISP bills, SSL certificate, and general life expenses.Click here to donate via PayPal.

New column at The Zelman Partisans

Plaintiffs stupidly argued that “firearm” includes “magazine,” and the store made an unlawful sale. More than two years ago, I rather vehemently disagreed. Sadly, the lower court displayed a level of idiocy on par with plaintiffs and allowed the case to go forward.

If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in my tip jar. I could really use the money, what with ISP bills, SSL certificate, and general life expenses.Click here to donate via PayPal.

If you get a security warning from your browser when trying to read my blog…

See “BROWSER SITE SECURITY WARNING” in sidebar; it’s there for a reason. It’s a known issue. No, I can’t install a free SSL certificate. Feel free to donate so I can pay for one.

By the way, viewing my site with Dissenter, Firefox, Chromium, Pale Moon, Brave, and Tor browsers I do not get this warning. Some of you may want to take a look at what addons/extensions you have installed.

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[Update] I expect Make A Wish donations to tank after this.

See update below. They folded.

At least, I hope they tank. Via Twitter:

Richard Davis, CEO of @MakeAWish Foundation is refusing to grant wishes to kids/families who are not fully vaccinated.
Imagine that convo between a parent and this dick for a moment “Sorry, johnny can’t have his DYING wish because he is not vaccinated… he might get COVID”

That is sick. No wishes for immuno-compromised dying children, unless they’re fully pseudovaccinated with “vaccines” that aren’t even approved for those under 12. No wishes for dying children in the age range most prone to myocarditis/pericarditis associated with the vaccines.

What; does Davis want to make sure they die faster, so MAW doesn’t have to expend funds on them?

Added: If you would like to tell MAW what you think about this, here is their CONTACT PAGE.

Added 2:

Make-A-Wish Foundation Backs Down And Decides NOT To Mandate Vaccines For Wish Kids
“We understand that there are many families whose children aren’t eligible for the vaccine yet, and we also know that there are families who are choosing to not get the vaccine. We respect everyone’s freedom of choice. Make-a-Wish will continue to grant wishes for all eligible children. Make-a-Wish will not require anyone to get vaccinated to receive a wish,” Make-A-Wish declared Sunday.

Too late, assholes. You demonstrated such poor judgement that I fully expect more callous BS out of you. No donations from me.

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Be Afraid: “20%”

The dangerously incompetent WHO is still fearmongering. Anything to drive appropriations, I guess.

WHO says fully vaccinated people should continue social distancing to stop community transmission of delta variant
The delta variant was first identified in India, where the coronavirus pandemic continues to grow and devastate the population. It has since spread to the U.S., where experts believe as many as 20% of new coronavirus cases are due to the delta variant.

So we should wear masks that quite literally cannot stop aerosolized viruses, even if we got the pseudovaccine. Right.

And that “20%”?

That would be 20% of this.

Be afraid.

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“Mean old Bear”

Seen at The Zelman Partisans (not one of my columns but a funny mention):

“I’m telling you the only reason Eric didn’t win the nomination was his huge percentage started shriveling when that mean old Bear at The Zelman Partisans started writing about him. Everyone loved him!”

That was in reference to this and this, regarding Duke Nukem Swalwell. In retrospect, I guess he was feeling his oats after banging the Chinese spy.

Read Sheila’s whole column. It’s amusingly accurate. And while it would boost my ego to think I killed Nukie’s campaign, I think the dumbass did it to himself. I was a symptom — just verbalizing what everyone thought of his plans — not the cause.

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Fulton County Audit Case: Judge’s order looks like a major loss for the defendants

The order drops Fulton County, Fulton Counsty Board of Registration and Elections, and Fulton County Clerk of Superior and Magistrate Courts as defendants in the case. To hear mainstream pseudomedia tell it, this ends any audit and is a win for the election officials.

I disagree.

What the judge did was drop the official goverment entities on the basis of sovereign immunity. I think the judge misread the state constitution, but for once I’m kinda glad.

Plaintiffs argued that an amendment to the constitution allowed suits to go forward without getting the government entity’s permission. The judge says otherwise. Here’s the applicable section:

Sovereign immunity is hereby waived so that a court awarding declaratory relief pursuant to this Paragraph may, only after awarding declaratory relief, enjoin such acts to enforcement its judgement. Such waiver of sovereign immunity under this Paragraph shall apply to past, current, and prospective acts which occur on or after January 1, 2021.

The judge reads that as meaning the he cannot waive immunity for anything occurring before 1/1/2021 — the November 2020 election. But I read it differently. That is a comma-delineated list of acts: Such waiver of sovereign immunity under this Paragraph shall apply to past COMMA current COMMA and prospective acts which occur on or after January 1, 2021. It breaks down so:

  • past acts (the election)
  • current acts (things still occurring)
  • future acts (things occurring on or after 1/1/20211, which was the future when the amendment was drafted)

So I think the judge was incorrect. But his order adds new defendants: the people involved in the apparent… mismanagement of the election as individuals. The county is no longer party to the suit.


Hello Alex Wan, Mark Wingate, Kathleen Ruth, Vernetta Nuriddin, and Aaron Johnson; private individuals.

As I see it, those individuals are now responsible for their own legal expenses, which are probably going to be rather large. Up till now, the county had been footing the defense bill. That had better end now.

Sure, the county can keep paying its own lawyers to do amicus briefs, but the individual defendants will have to hire independent attorneys. Generally, attorneys working for parties can’t make amicus filings; they have to be independent.

And while ABC and the like thinks this ends any chance of an audit, the judge made no such order. He is continuing the case. It remains to be seen if he’ll allow an audit to go forward.

The order also makes no mention of the county — then a party — violating his order to maintain 24/7 security. Or the state unsealing ballots he ordered sealed. I’m looking forward to that. Are there bench warrants in someone’s future?

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Would somebody arrest that bastard Raffensperger already?

Apparently Georgia Secretary of Scum Raffensperger sent his people to rifle through some Fulton COunty ballots. Illegally.

Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review — Keeping Plaintiffs in the Dark
After several Fulton County, Ga., poll monitors testified last year that boxes of mail-in ballots for Joe Biden looked liked they’d been run through a photocopy machine, state investigators quietly broke the seal on one suspicious box and inspected the hundreds of votes it contained for signs of fraud, RealClearInvestigations has learned exclusively.
State officials also neglected to inform the judge hearing the lawsuit that they were conducting such an inspection, even though the judge had issued a protective order over the ballots in January.
“If the secretary of state’s office did that, they tampered with the ballots and violated Georgia state law,” which restricts the handling of ballots to authorized elections officials involved in the tabulation and care of the ballots, Favorito said. He also noted that Judge Amero had placed the ballots under a protective order in January. “They would have had to ask for a court order to unseal and inspect those ballots and they never did that.”

We can start with contempt of court for violating the judge’s order sealing the ballots, while we sort out all the election laws he seems to have broken.

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