UPDATED! “Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached “Stabilizing Braces””

See edit below. The ATF is playing games with the docket again Don’t be discouraged. Comment.

The ATF’s proposed rule to make virtually all AR-type braced pistols short barreled rifles has finally dropped. Again. For now. We’ll see what happens.

I say “AR-type” because the proposed rule is rather oddly specific to that platform, ignoring pretty much all others.

You can read it and comment HERE. Comments are due by September 8, 2021.

They took comments, then killed the docket. They’ve done this repeatedly with ATF NPRMs. The point seems to be to get the first docket publicized by the gun world, then hide it from users who find nothing at the original links. This discourages commenting while sorta-semi-kinda meeting the letter of the APA law on proposed rule-making.

The docket is now Docket (ATF-2021-0002). For now.

My comment (kpq-x1fk-uj87, submitted 6/10/2021, 9:07AM EDT)

This proposed rule is a coherently expressed description of an arbitrary, capricious, and incoherent process of classifying firearms.

A purely subjective, as no standards were given, examiner’s guesstimate of “rear surface area” could pass a brace, or put it right on the edge of alleged short-barreled rifle by itself.

“Length of pull” presupposes that all braced pistols are SBRs until proven otherwise. The restriction on brace length would make it a one-size-fits some piece of junk. Brace properly fitted for me would be unworkable for a smaller person.

Also, it appears that the ATF is unaware of braced pistols that are not AR-type. The attachment evaluation assumes an AR-type buffer tube. The weight and overall length exclude the entire class of drop-in pistols braces, such as for Glocks. The rule is silent on those. Is the braced Glock automatically an SBR because it fail the 4999 Section tests? Or would the chassis resembling a carbine NEVER be a rifle?

And why in the world would flip-up iron sights (which one might well want for storage and transport) make a pistol into a rifle?

This mess could have been avoided by adopting a sane definition of stabilizing brace: “A device designed to aid a user in holding a large pistol with one hand, which extends no further than the user’s forearm when gripping the firearm normally, and which conforms to the user’s forearm.”

As usual, the ATF is an incoherent solution in search of a nonexistent problem.

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I know US mil rank nomenclature can be a bit odd…

…but WTF?

US Lieutenant Commander exposed for pushing divisive critical race theory

“Lieutenant Commander”

Got it. Wait…

“Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Rhodes”
“Lieutenant Rhodes”
“Commander Rhodes”

Basically, Post Millenial’s Nick Monroe appears to have lifted all the meat of the story from Human Events, but has no clue as to how rank and position titles work. Posobiec is considerably clearer on the subject: Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes seems to be a battalion commander. And he sounds like quite the piece of… work.

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Firearm Definition Comment News

Ah! My site is back up. I have no idea what happened, unless it was related to that big cloud outage. Anyway, here’s what I wanted to post…

Sunnavagun. My original comment on the firearm/ghost gun Notice of Proposed Rule-Making finally posted.

I submitted that one on May 21. It was posted June; just 17 effing days, and 14 days after the most recent comment I submitted.

Ah, well; I think it took them more than a month to post my bumpstock NPRM comment. That screwed up commenting on that rule so badly that it not only got specific mention by the Attorney General (who lied through his teeth) in the final rule, but made it into a federal lawsuit.

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New Post On Pistol Braces and the ATF at TZP

The new Notice of Proposed Rule-Making on pistol braces (braced pistol vs. short-barreled rifle) is coming. The Zelman Partisans have an analysis of the NPRM.

As usual, the ATF is an incoherent solution in search of a nonexistent problem.

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Notes For Door-To-Door Salesmen

  1. I don’t like door-to-door salesmen.
  2. Door-to-door salesmen are not allowed by the HOA.
  3. Being a perfect stranger coming to my door and asking what home security systems I have installed is bad.
  4. Trying to sell me Internet Of Things, web-based, security systems is insane
  5. Oh, yeah. A “security” company rep so unobservant, completely lacking situational awareness, as to miss all the “no soliciting signs” does not recommend the company to me.

Don’t be that guy. He actually seemed shocked that I especially didn’t want to tell him my security secrets.

Could have been worse. There was one person so suspicious that I called the police, and they thought the report was weird enough that put out a BOLO, and pulled her over.

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Disabling Amazon Sidewalk

If you have an Amazon surveillance device, you should immediately disable the new mass networking feature, Sidewalk, which the company is rolling out. 357Magnum has some instructions.

However, that isn’t a good fix. Just as Amazon enabled this “feature” without your permission, they can re-enable it with another patch. I suggest a more permanent fix.

  1. Turn off the device
  2. Unplug it from power and Internet
    Beat the device to shards with the biggest hammer you can manage
  3. Place remnants in trash
  4. Never, ever be foolish enough to replace thing
  5. And if you were stupid enough to buy an Internet-enabled “smart TV,” shoot it

That should take care of the problem for a while.

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DC Rep. Holmes is an ill-informed idiot.

She’s all upset that all crash test dummies are male.

“Women have achieved equality on the road when it comes to driving, but when it comes to safety testing to keep them safe on the road, they are nowhere near achieving equality,” Norton said.

“Crash test standards are incredibly antiquated, and we must update these standards now, especially as more people return to their daily commute in the next few months,” she added.

She probably should have checked the DOT NHTSA’s Quick Reference Guide (2010 Version) to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations

There are female dummies (not to mention men, infants, and children), they’ve had them for decades

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So much for helping Occasionally-Firing-Cortex’s abuela.

I wrote yesterday about Matt Walsh fundraising for AOC’s abuela, whom the ditz claimed was living in a squalid, hurricane-damaged house.

TThe campaign raised over $104,000, in less than 12 hours.

UPDATE: “Someone” in AOC’s abuela’s family told GoFundMe that she won’t take our money, even though AOC previously claimed that her grandma was in dire straits (and it was Trump’s fault). AOC still hasn’t acknowledged this effort or thanked us. Instead, she seems to think that it is worth $104,153 of her abuela’s money to express that doesn’t want money from the likes of us. Abuela could have accepted the money and donated it to charity, but it seems AOC preferred to insult the 5.800 people who donated.

That sounds rather peculiar. I’d think they’d want to fix granny’s leaky roof, at least. Refuse the money just because it came from nasty conservatives? I have another suspicion.

Just how old were the pictures AOC posted? If abuela has been living in that house for a couple of years post-hurricane, where in the bed’s mattress? Is the house still damaged? Or was this another fairy tale to illustrate how bad things could be? Were they afraid to accept the money under — rather public — false pretenses?

It would be nice if someone in Puerto Rico could take a drive past the house and get current pictures.

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Must be another wanna-be whose career was going nowhere.

Some actress of whom I’d never heard, and whose top role was apparently a minor supporting role in a film or TV show of which I’d likewise never heard, “came out as queer and gender non binary on Wednesday, adding that she is pansexual.”

It’s name is now “Lio.”

Bizarre, the things failed “celebrities” will do for a little attention. I’m not sure if she’s hoping for new acting jobs, or desperately widening her dating options due to no guy wanting anything to do with her.

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Give it up, CDC.


COVID-19 still poses severe risk to unvaccinated teens: CDC
While most coronavirus hospitalizations occur in adults, the coronavirus still poses the threat of severe disease to teens, according to a new study issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nearly a third of teens ages 12-17 hospitalized with COVID-19 ended up in the intensive care unit, with 5% ultimately being placed on ventilators.

The Infection Fatality Rate for 10-17yo is a whopping 0.00010, or 0.010%. I wasn’t specifically tracking it, but the 10-17yo death total hasn’t budged in months.

18-29yo: IFR 0.00063, or 0.063%.

The overall IFR, all ages, is 0.0202, or 2.02%.

Unless teens have serious co-morbidities (just like everyone else) their non-“vaccinated” ChinCOVID risk is probably a lot lower than the “vaccine risk.

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