[Updated] Boulder Shooter

A nice summary of the asshole’s background here, and here.

A left-wing, ISIS-supporting, Islamic paranoid schizophrenic, from Syria, with a criminal record that possibly made him a prohibited person. A Democrat, according to one claim; but I didn’t see any documentation on that.

So clearly it’s all the AR’s fault.

And yours.

By the way, so far as I can see the police have only referred to the weapon as a “patrol rifle.” But the mainstream media immediately declared it an AR-15. Could well be, but I’d really prefer to wait for facts.

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ChinCOVID Update: 3/22/2021

I see Faker Fauci and his media enablers are still trying to keep up the ChinCOVID panic

The highly contagious variant first identified in the U.K. likely accounts for up to 30% of Covid-19 infections in the United States, White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday.

The variant, called B.1.1.7, has been reported in at least 94 countries and detected in 50 jurisdictions in the U.S., Fauci said during a White House news briefing on the pandemic, adding that the numbers are likely growing.
“We’re at a position right now where we have a plateauing at around 53,000 cases per day,” Fauci said. “The concern is that throughout the country there are a number of states, cities, regions that are pulling back on some of the mitigation methods that we’ve been talking about: the withdrawal of mask mandates, the pulling back to essentially non-public health measures being implemented.”

How bad is it? Well… this is what Georgia looks like today.

Does that look like a “plateau“?

To date, I personally know only one person who ever tested positive for it. And it ain’t me.

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Saw this over at Kenny’s blog.

I don’t know if it was real. The Twitter account doesn’t exist. Now, at least.

But the “extremism” training is real, and from all reports it does target constitutionalists/conservatives/whites, and ignores Pantifa/BLM.

So if you’re in the military (and if you are, you should be using Tor or other proxy service to read my blog, because I do support the Constitution) I want you to remember this.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

If you didn’t already, read the Constitution. All of it, Amendments included. It isn’t really all that long.

Now bear this in mind about unlawful orders (does Basic/Boot/whichever still cover unlawful orders, and LT Calley?).

A superior’s order is presumed to be lawful and is disobeyed at the subordinate’s peril. To sustain the presumption, the order must relate to military duty, it must not conflict with the statutory or constitutional rights of the person receiving the order, and it must be a specific mandate to do or not to do a specific act. In sum, an order is presumed lawful if it has a valid military purpose and is a clear, specific, narrowly drawn mandate. United States v. Moore , 58 M.J. 466 (C.A.A.F. 2003). The dictates of a person’s conscience, religion, or personal philosophy cannot excuse disobedience. United States v. Stockman , 17 M.J. 530 (A.C.M.R. 1973).

Now go back and consider your oath one more time.

“I will support and defend the Constitution

Defend. Actively so. Not “sit passively and let someone give unlawful orders, so long as it isn’t me doing it.”

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I’ll take “Stupid Reporters” for $500, Alex.

Can you see what’s wrong with this report? I’ll even give you a hint.

New study shows Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is 94% effective in *preventing asymptomatic infection*
The study looked at people who got the Pfizer shot in Israel from January through March 6 of this year. It showed the vaccine is 94% effective in *preventing asymptomatic infection*.

For any visiting “reporters,” I’ll explain.

An asymptomatic infection is when a pathogen — be it botulism, an influenza virus, yeast, or SARS-CoV-2 — enters your body, and your immune system detects it, attacks it, and stops it before you get noticeably “sick.” Unless you live in a sterile bubble, that probably happens to you hundreds or thousands of times per day. It’s normal; it’s what your immune system is supposed to do.

A traditional viral vaccine introduces spike proteins — usually in the form of a “dead” or weakened virus — to inform your immune system of what the real virus protein coat will look like. Then when the real thing enters your system, your immune system will recognize it right away and start fighting it. The successful result of vaccination is an “asymptomatic infection;” you didn’t get sick.

The only way to prevent an asymptomatic infection, to prevent the pathogen entering your system, is to prevent it from physically entering your goddamned system. No vaccine in the world does that. That’s what cleansuits and respirators are for. Or the past year of “two weeks to flatten the curve.”*

It would have been nice if the “reporter” had linked to the study so we could see what the researchers really found.

In the old, pre-COVID-19 days, doctors and the CDC distinguished between infection and case. They still do for everything but COVID-19; last year, the CDC changed the definition strictly for COVID-19, so that they could call every infection — yes, even asymptomatic-you-never-got-sick — a “case”. “Case” used to be reserved for folks who got sick. This allowed them to pump up the “case” numbers to drive the nation/world into a panic so that wannabe dictators could dictate.

As study after study has shown, all the way back to the Diamond Princess, most people who get infected with SARS-CoV-2 never develop COVID-19. The CDC just changed the rules to pretend they did.

Bonus Point Question: This is for any reporters; my regular readers are smart enough to know it already.

What was the actual intent of “flatten the curve”? What was the curve?

Bonus Bonus: Why is “vaccine” a misnomer for the Pfizer (and Moderna and AstraZeneca) shot? There’s a hint above.

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THIS is part of why I’m FORMER military

Meet Ramón Colón-López, the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“This is coming from every echelon that we’re talking to,” said Ramón Colón-López, the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “Some people may think that, ‘all right, so the events of 6 January happened. How come you’re not looking at the situation that was going on in Seattle prior to that?’”

The military has started a Defense Department-wide effort to educate service members on what constitutes extremist behavior and why it is impermissible in the armed forces.
“We cannot confuse a First Amendment grievance because of social injustice organization and some of the criminals that latched on to go ahead and loot, destroy and commit other crimes. There’s two clear, distinct groups right there,” Colón-López said, referring to the difference between peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters and looters who disrupted some of those events.

The looting has been used by some television commentators to convince viewers that the protests were equivalent to the Capitol attacks and that message has left a mark on some of the younger forces, Colón-López said.

In discussing what messages the troops are getting, Colón-López was delicate in his words. But he said he reminds them all that their oath defends free speech, and he encourages the younger service members to look into issues beyond what they see on TV.

Sometimes the younger troops take what they see on TV as, “OK so that’s what this means,” Colón-López said. “We have to educate them, no, that’s not what that meant.”

Fuck you, “CZ”.

I got out shortly after returning from Desert Storm. I’d put in just over eleven years, and some people wondered why I’d do that when I was more than halfway to retirement. I had many reasons, but I saw shit like this coming: “Social Actions” was engaged in serious left-wing cultural engineering of USAF.

Clearly they’ve succeeded.

Per this fucking socialist stooge:

Self-identified Antifa/BLM burning, looting, assaulting Self-identified conservatives peacefully walking into a building when allowed by Capitol Police
Secession by “autonomous zones” Demanding that Congress take note that several states violated the Constitution and their own laws in the ’20 elections
Looters calling their actions “reparations” are separate from law-breaking Antifa/BLM Peaceful protestors, vast majority not even in the Capitol, are exactly the same as the virtual handful that enter the Capitol

Fuck it. I could go on for days, but there’s no point because Colón-López lives in a different “reality” where left-wing violence is good, and conservatives are bad even if they didn’t do anything bad.

While I was in, I saw the Social Actions Engineering people destroying careers and drving people like me out. Then, as a civilian, I watched the Obama administration spend eight years purging the officer corps and senior enlisted of wrong-thinking Constitutionalists. All in favor of kumbaya-singing (pardon me; I’m in the middle of Ringo’s The Last Centurion) socialists/internationalists. Like Colón-López.

They succeeded.

Burning federal courthouses, throwing bombs, looting reparating, killing people is all First Amendment-protected free speech. If you’re a socialist/commie.

Petitioning Congress to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law is evil “extremism”.

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Not Guilty By Inherent Racism

I’m seeing a lot of headlines about the Atlanta-area massage parlor shootings. Mainstream reporting is all Hate Crime! Racist! White supremicist! because the shooter is white and some of his victims were were asian. Never mind that the police say he confessed and gave his motive: sex-addict trying to cut back by eliminating sex sources. Racist? No, but maybe sexist.

But the all the claims that it must be racially motivated be of course whites are inherently racist prompted a morbidly amusing thought.

Forget temporary insanity. Plead not my fault because whites are inherently — genetically, ya know — racist, and I can’t help it.. The white defendant can bring in a Critical Race Theorist to explain to the jury that of course he’s uncontrollably racist. And the attorney moves for dismissal or a not guilty ruling.

I don’t see this as the case, but I want to see this happen, just to watch CRT nutjobs’ heads explode as some white guy embraces their ideas to his benefit. (Not that I’m saying the defense would actually work; just that trying it would drive CRTs even more crazy.)

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WTF, Gropin’ Joe?

See anything odd about this?

Look closer.

That sure looks to me like his hands are superimposed in front of those mikes.

Update: Here’s a video clip of it. Tell me that isn’t green screened.

Green screened appearances now? Photoshop?


Update 2: Heh. I think I’ll start using “HoloJoe.”

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