TZP Column: CrackHunter Biden’s Firearm Possession Indictment

Hunter Biden has been indicted for possessing a firearm while being a user of illegal drugs, and lying about it on the 4473. If the law is for everyone, I think it’s… ahem high time.

Technically, he was indicted for the 4473 lie previously, but was going to be allowed to completely skate on the charge, with pre-trial diversion. Some of us wondered, if his name wasn’t “Biden,” whether he would have faced more serious penalties. But this being 21st century America, Dimwitocrats have turned that around now.
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TZP Column: ATF Commenting FUBAR

None of my Notice of Proposed Rule-Making comments are appearing, even though comments submitted before and after mine do appear.

As I noted on September 8, the ATF is screwing up commenting on the “engaged in the business” Notice of Proposed Rule-Making.

In short, as dockets changed and vanished in a period of minutes, I found it desirable to comment six times; three times on behalf of TZP, and three times for myself personally. is now posting comments, so I checked the status of our comments. It ain’t pretty. I’m documenting the results so I have a public record of what is happening.
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“Congratulations’ To New Mexico’s Governor


In light of Lujan Grisham’s attempt to totally disarm the Albuquerque-area citizenry (except for the criminals, of course), I sent her a congratulatory message this morning.

I just wanted to praise the governor and Secretary Allen for their personal bravery in disarming honest, law-abiding citizens in the Albuquerque area. Taking on the risk of the death penalty for 18USC241 and 18USC242 violations just to provide safe workspace for Albuquerque’s criminals is very brave.

Anyone else want to “congratulate” her?

TZP Column: Albuquerque Gun Ban

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, apparently enouraged by her success at tyrannical ChinCOVID rights-violating restrictions, is moving the tyranny goal posts a little closer.

She has totally “suspended” the right to publicly possess firearms in Albuquerque. Except for her uniformed thugs, naturally.
If a single person, who otherwise would have been carrying a defensive firearm, is killed or raped because they were rendered helpless by this order, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Secretary Patrick M. Allen can be sentenced to death. They could be executed; and despite my tendency to oppose government-conducted death penalties, I would cheer.
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Lefties Finally Found Second-Hand Smoke That’s OK

If you fail a drug test in Seattle or Portland, just explain that you ride public transportation, and University of Washington says it’s fine.

Relax Commuters, a Study Says Crackheads Smoking Drugs in Buses and Trains Aren’t a Health Hazard. We Have Questions.
Recently, we were told by Seattle area public health officials that there’s no harm from second-hand smoke from hard drugs – fentanyl, meth, crack – smoked on the buses and trains. The concern began with drivers worried about being poisoned. Drivers were also worried about driving the public while unintentionally high.
Researchers detected methamphetamine in 98% of surface samples and 100% of air samples, while fentanyl was detected in 46% of surface and 25% of air samples. One air sample exceeded federal recommendations for airborne fentanyl exposure at work established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. No similar guidelines exist for airborne methamphetamine.

TZP Column: ATF Rule-Making

The new proposed rule requiring anyone who wants to sell even a single gun to have an FFL dropped this morning.

The Zelman Partisans, and I personally, have commented on it already. Commenting will be open for 90 days.

Unless the ATF fucks up the commenting as they do on damned near every NPRM they publish. In which case you’ll have to hunt down the new, replacement NPRM and comment again. I’ve learned to get a prebuilt search of the Federal Register permanently bookmarked.

Of screwing Americans. The ATF is that. As usual.

More than a year ago, The Zelman Partisans warned that the so-called Bipartisan Safer Communities Act changed the definition of “engaged in the business” of selling firearms. And not in a good way.
The ATF has published their Notice Of Proposed Rule-Making (NPRM) instituting this change. There is a 90 day commenting period. I encourage you to comment and point out the idiocy of the ATF and Congress. TZP has done so. Feel free to use this as a basis for your own comments.

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Breaking the YouTube algorithm?

This guy doesn’t like the way YouTube tracks you and makes recommendations for stuff he doesn’t actually want to see. Who does?

But sheesh…

  • Breaking the You Tube algorithm
    Now this is the time consuming part. While doing other things, like listening to a ball game, pull up the YouTube page and just start rejecting things. There are various functions to do this. The blanket “Do not recommend this channel” and the more focused ones proclaiming things to be scam, child abuse, disgusting, etc. Refresh and repeat.

There’s a much better way. Easier.

Don’t use a Google/YouTube account to begin with. That was his first mistake. Just having the account is bending over and spreading your butt cheeks and yelling, “Do me, bro!”

You wanted an account so you could follow channels you like (telling YT even more about yourself, so you have to “lie” about yourself later)? Browsers have this thing called bookmarks. Bookmark the channels you like. You can do this instead of following even if you were silly enough to open an account.

This forces YT to rely on cookies to track you. So use a browser that gives you better control of those damned cookies; I mostly use Brave. Going this route, YT can only track your preferences during that specific browser session of YT video watching.

Well, they’ll try tracking your IP address, too; but you’re almost certainly using dynamic IP assignment, so after 24 hours (with my service), you’ve got a new IP address that YT can’t associate with yesterday’s. If you really want to cover your IP, power cycle your network router to force it to grab a new IP before the usual expiration.

If playing IP games that way doesn’t suit you, use the Tor browser. It… mostly works last I tried, but sometimes the latency makes video streaming problematical. Or use a conventional VPN.

But for Ghu’s sake, start by losing the Google/YT account. If you must have one, don’t log the fuck in except when you’re doing that one thing that required an account. Then log out. Clear cookies and restart you browser session. Shoot, I bounce between browser (mostly because certain browser handle certain sites better than others).