Yep, it’s True The Vote

Earlier, I passed on a report about video of 240 “ballot stuffers” at work in the 2020 Georgia election. I speculated that it came from the True The Vote investigation.


UPDATE: True the Vote Prepared to Go to Police in Georgia with Video Evidence of Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots into Georgia Voter Drop Boxes — MORE STATES INVOLVED
Figure 1: 24-hour Route in Georgia — This person’s route included stops at 5 organizations and 27 individual ballot drop boxes, traveling across 6 counties. Red dots represent ballot drop boxes, blue house icons (circled) represent targeted 202organizations, blue line represents daily travel path

I still doubt if the corrupt authorities and courts willl allow prosecution.

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Sure, but will they be prosecuted?

Probably not.

BREAKING: THEY GOT CAUGHT! Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night!
According to John Fredericks state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.

The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia.

I didn’t watch the video, but I’m guessing this is from the True The Vote group that said they used commercially available cell phone geolocation data to find people hitting multiple ballot dropboxes, then dug up surveillance video of them at work.

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A Recap

Twenty-one months into the ChinCOVID “pandemic,” let’s recap the official guidance.

1. Masks don’t work (partially true)
2. N95 masks work, but cloth/procedure/dust masks don’t (true, as applies to the wearer of the mask)
3. All masks work (false; only N95-type)
4. Masks protect other people, so mask up or kill grandma. (false)

Social Distancing
1. The virus spreads in droplets, so keep 6 feet apart so the droplets fall to the ground (false; all respiratory viruses primarily spread by aerosols)
2. The virus spreads by aerosols, so keep 12 feet apart (false; aerosols spread indefinitely)
3. Back to 6 feet (huh?)

1. Avoid everyone, stay inside your home (no; you quarantine the infected, not the healthy)
2. It’s OK to go outside if you distance and mask (looks up at previous entries)
3. Curfew! because the virus only spreads during specified hours (and apparently wears tiny nano-scale wristwatches)

1. Separate everyone with plastic desk and counter dividers (see “aerosols”)
2. Barriers disrupt air flow and make infection more likely (true)

Case Definition
1. Case is symptomatic infection (was always the definition)
2. For ChinCOVID only “case” includes asymptomatic infection, as tested with a PCR test at as much as Ct =40+
3. Case is any suspected infection, even with a negative test (my head hurts)
4. Only a case if detected with a PCR Ct of 20 or fewer, but only if the person was “vaccinated; non-vaxxed can still be tested to Ct=40+ (because science)

1. Died of COVID-19
2. Died with SARS-CoV-2 detected, even if the cause of death was gunshot wound to tnhe head, or surgical complications (dafuq?)
3. Died of something but coulda had COVID, but we didn’t test
4. Died before anyone knew of COVID, but apparently the embalmed body was dug up and PCR tested months later, to the family’s surprise

1. A small sample of a pathogen which the immune system detects and produces antibodies against (yep)
2. A medication that does not have a pathogen sample, but causes the body to produce pathogens (nope)

1. Received the jab
2. Received the jab or 2 jabs, depending on “vaccine”, and waited two weeks
2. Received the previous jabs and a booster jab

Novel Coronavirus
1. A new virus, previously undetected, with unique genome and spike proteins.
2. I have no frickin’ idea anymore.

Bad Vaccine
1. Trump distributed it

Good Vaccine
1. Biden distributed the exact same “bad vaccines”

Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve
1. Two weeks
2. A year and a half
2. Four years

Infection Fatality Rate
Deaths divided by total cases. OK, this definition didn’t change. The CDC merely discovered what I and others have been pointing out all along: there are far more “asymptomatic cases” than they recognized. The CDC now href=””>claims twice as many</a< as previously recognized. Other researchers say — remember we’re talkig about the new “asymptomatic case” defintiion — ten times as many. Which means the real “IFR” is only half to one-tenth of the official numbers.

To put that in perspective, in Georgia, my age group officially has an IFR of .0.0384, or 3.84%. The reality is 0.0192 (1.92%) to 0.00384 (0.384%). Be afraid.

Orwell was an optimist.

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Ida: Anyone else notice that?

Judging by national “news” coverage for past couple of days, one might get the impression that Hurricane Ida magically skipped over Louisiana, and the rest of the south, and impacted directly on the NE US.

Added: At least this will force the media to notice Louisiana for a bit. Until Dementia Boy starts consoling the people of LaPlace with news that the NE got hit so much worse.

Seriously, I’ll bet that he does go there and talk about NE flooding.

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[MAJOR UPDATE] Expenses: Body Part Replacement

MAJOR UPDATE: What with one thing and another, I didn’t get this update to the “expense” pity plea until now.

Good News: The replacement phone is ordered and paid for. Y’all did that; and I’m not sure I’m a good enough writer to express my thanks for the help (and confidence that I was worth your investment). More good news: While the fund-raising was going on, prices dropped (!? Someone really wants us to shift to 4G/5G, and leave 3G behind). I’m getting a decent little phone for maybe one-sixth of what I’d anticipated. I do love when specials show up.

On October 30, the universe decided that I need something to trump the need for a phone by several orders of magnitude. Hip replacement.

Not “hip is old and worn, so let’s schedule elective surgery.” Try a traumatic accident inflicting a hip injury that even the specialists say they rarely see. BP spikes due to newly discovered levels pain were potentially life threatening. Scary, anyway.

And I don’t even get a good story about the dramatic crash out of it. How do you spin “lawn tractor crash” to sound dramatic? Seriously;  any cool suggestions?

Got no idea how I’m going to pay for this.

If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in my tip jar. I could really use the money, what with new cell phone, ISP bills, SSL certificate, and general life expenses.Click here to donate via PayPal.

Smoke, Don’t Mask

That recommendation is facetious, but read on. Leslie Fish, long one of my favorite musicians, wrote a thoughtful blog post on COVID-19.

Concerning the ongoing pandemic hysteria:

Depending on which state you live in, you can be arrested if you show up in public without wearing a mask, or you’ll be ignored, or you may even be subjected to protests. Although close to half of all US citizens have now been vaccinated, the federal government claims that isn’t enough for “herd immunity” — especially considering the spread of the new Delta mutation of the Covid-19 virus — which is supposed to justify keeping everybody masked, no matter what. It’s understandable that a lot of people are annoyed and rebelling.

It’s well worth reading. One part, though, caught my attention.

So if you haven’t been vaccinated and haven’t caught the virus naturally, it’s best to catch as few of the viruses as possible — and this is where the masks come in. The virus lives in fluids, and your lungs, throat and mouth are perpetually wet; when you exhale, tiny drops of water vapor are floated out with your breath. If you don’t want to spread the virus, don’t breathe in other people’s faces — and if you don’t want to catch it, don’t let them breathe in yours. Masks, except for the heavy-duty hazmat kind, won’t catch all the water vapor in your breath, or anyone else’s, but they do cut down on most of it — and the more, the better.

Regular readers are aware of the difference between tiny droplets and aerosols, and my take on it. I wanted to leave a comment, but Leslie — like so many folks dealing with mass quantities of comment spam — only allows commenting with a Google login. (Regular readers probably also know my take on Google.)

What follows is the comment I wanted to leave.

Leslie, masks are actually remarkably ineffective at preventing aerosol dispersal; which should not be surprising, because that’s not what they’re designed for (to protect wearer, not other people). There have been many studies over the years that established this, but a recent one, with SARS-CoV-2 specifically in mind, found that different mask types had various degrees of effectiveness.

R95: 60%
KN95: 46%
Cloth (3-ply): 10%
Surgical: 12%

BUT… the kicker is that they tested with 1 micron aerosols. I called out the lead author on that. SARS-CoV-2 itself averages 0.125 microns, and other research showed exhalation aerosols in a range of 0.5 microns to 0.9 microns. It should be noted that 0.5 microns was merely the lower detection threshold for the apparatus they used. But especially note that the LARGER end of the range is still smaller than what cloth masks were only 10% effective on.

If you smoke, you can do your own mask test. Get a mouthful of smoke, put on a mask, and let it out. If you see smoke — 5 micron particles — the mask is useless for stopping viral aerosols.

Anecdote: My niece bought into all the COVID fear porn. She went nowhere without wearing a mask and gloves. She carried and liberally applied hand sanitizer. She was downright fanatical about “social distancing” (which, given the population density here, is kinda redundant). When she wasn’t using sanitizer, she was washing her hands. And she went through a lot of disinfection wipes sanitizing surfaces.

She got COVID-19. Remarkably, no one else in her household did.

Anecdote 2: I know a retired RN who happens to still have a great deal of medical supplies on hand, including boxes of medical grade N95 masks. Lately, she’s been going to some locations that require masks. Bear in mind that this nurse is known to rant about the poor emphasis which hospitals generally give infection control these days.

She doesn’t bother with N95s. She sticks with the cheaper procedure masks she also has, because that’s adequate to meet the hygiene-theater requirements.

Procedure/dust masks for viruses are like everyone using drinking straws as earplugs.

Since I mentioned smoking, I facetiously recommend smoking over masking. When several researchers started noticing that smokers seemed to be under-represented in ChinCOVID cases, I started tracking that in Georgia (DPH includes that in co-morbidity reporting).

Somewhere around 17-18% of Georgians smoke. All else being equal, you might expect that 17-18% of ChinCOVID cases would be smokers. As of 8/31/2021 the number is…


Roughly a third of what you might expect.

The effect appears to be nicotine binding ACE2 receptors before the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins can.

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