Want to get out of jury duty?

Yet another reason to skip the ChinCOVID pseudo-vax.

Theranos judge requires COVID shots for jurors, but will that skew the jury pool?
A U.S. judge this week dismissed from a jury pool nine people who were unvaccinated against COVID-19. He said his aim was to keep jurors and their families healthy but might his decision skew the jury pool?

I wouldn’t mind be on one of juries in the Arbery killing, though. But I’ve studied and written on that so much, defense would definitely exclude me.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

One thought on “Want to get out of jury duty?”

  1. I used the hearing damage and vision impairment back in the 1990’s and was never bothered again.
    Both were shall we say exaggerated but there is some damage from a TBI.
    The bestest faculty lounge government that money can buy isn’t competent enough to check it out.

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