Aother ChinCOVID “Treatment” That The FDA Seems To Like

Merck’s molnupiravir.

Come near me with this… stuff and I’ll offer you an experimental gun violence vaccine. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with…

Merck’s drug uses a novel approach to fight COVID-19: it inserts tiny mutations into the coronavirus’ genetic code to the point that it can’t reproduce itself.

…a drug that’s meant to cause viruses to mutate. As if they don’t mutate constantly already. Well, there’s always…

But that genetic effect has raised concerns that in rare cases the drug could cause birth defects or tumors.

A drug that cause genetic mutations might cause genetic mutations? Say it ain’t so. But at least it’s effec…

Among more than 1,400 adults in a company study, molnupiravir reduced the combined risk of hospitalization and death by 30%, less than the 50% initially reported based on incomplete results.

A deliberate mutagen that has less than a 1 in 3 chance of doing me any good at all?

Dang. It’s almost as if they’re trying to drive me into the “COVID/COVID treatments are a genocidal plot” conspiracy theory camp.

Um, almost?

Regulators also noted that Merck collected far less safety data overall on its drug than was gathered for other COVID-19 therapies.

Probably because more complete safety data would have been even worse than what they’re admitting.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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