How ’bout “diktat”?

Fauxci doesn’t like the word “mandate” for the arbitrary ChinCOVID… mandates. He doesn’t think people respond well to it.

Fauci pushes new word for ‘mandates,’ admits changing ‘fully vaccinated’ definition ‘certainly on the table’
He also discussed the difficulty in pushing “mandates,” instead suggesting that people should discuss “requirements” as a more palatable term.

“Mandates — that’s a radioactive word. Requirements people seem to respond better to that. They work,” Fauci argued. “We are never going to get out of this outbreak if we still have 50 million people who for reasons that are very difficult to understand refuse to get vaccinated.”

Diktat. Decree. Fiat. Fatwah maybe, since ChinCOVIDism has devolved into a religion. Edict.

Screw “palatable.” At least be a straightforward totalitarian twit.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

One thought on “How ’bout “diktat”?”

  1. The only story i wanna hear bout Fauci…

    Edited by blog author: [deleted fictional wish that Fauci meets an earned fate]

    Sorry about the edit, H&P, but goons are deliberately blurring the differences between voicing a desire and voicing a threat. Some useful idiot just might — incorrectly — call that a threat and end up causing trouble for you and me both.

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