I See An Investment Opportunity Here

Canada is about to phase in a total ban on single-use plastics.

Trudeau Liberals begin countdown to ending use of single-use plastics
Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said that Canada will ban the importing of certain single-use containers and goods by the year’s end, with bans for the end of next year already planned.

That should work well. TPM helpfully included a link to a previous report that explains just how extensive this ban would finally be.

Cabinet on May 12 listed “all plastic manufactured items” including toys, textiles, kitchen appliances, carpets, bottling and packaging as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. A coalition of oil and chemical companies has challenged the order in Federal Court as “wrong in law” and “based on conjecture, not evidence.”

Everything. Not even just single-use stuff. All of it.

But right off, next time you go to a hospital or doctor’s office take a look at all the sterile instruments and equipment made of plastic. So that it’s disposable. Saves the time, trouble, and expense of autoclaving everything for use and re-use.

If Canada’s totalitarian twits really go through this, invest in autoclave companies, if you’ve got the cash to spare (I know; unlikely these days). There’s going to be a hell of a market for them. And shop around for companies that still manufacture glass and steel medical equipment.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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