That Was A Waste Of Time And Money

They should have talked to a few convicted burglars.

Good Boy!: OSU Researchers Show More Dogs in Neighborhood Results in Less Crime reports that a new study has found that if you want to live in a safer neighborhood, choose the one with the most dogs. A study conducted in Columbus, Ohio, found that neighborhoods with more dogs had lower rates of homicide, robbery, and aggravated assaults compared to neighborhoods with fewer dogs. The study also found that neighborhoods with higher levels of trust between residents had lower crime.

I have talked to convicts, and heard their conversations among themselves.

Burglars mostly fear two things: dogs and residents with guns. And the fear the dogs more, because they figure an armed homeowner might not shoot them if they retreat; but that protective dog is probably going to keep going and chase them down.

And damned straight levels of trust matter. A couple of years ago, we had prowlers sneaking around the rear of house in the neighborhood. Well before the cops arrived, we had at least a dozen folks out on foot and in vehicles searching for this guys to encourage them to leave.

Yes, some of us were armed.

The prowlers vanished, and have never come back.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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