Rolling Stone Has Some Weird Ideas About Prayer

The rag is upset that Supreme Court Justices pray with assorted religious leaders. While they might have a point about the close association with the head of a group who has filed an amicus brief in a current case. But they seem to believe the Justices are doing something more than communicatiing with god; that they’rre taking orders from on high.

Prayer is a powerful communication tool in the evangelical tradition: The speaker assumes the mantle of the divine, and to disagree with an offered prayer is akin to sin.

They attribute that description to a Rev. Schenck, whom the describe as… well, a pro-abortion evangelical, with someodd ideas about the GOP, evangelicals, and Nazis. Probably not the best source for how most Christians view prayer, which is speaking to god, and listening for replies, guidance, aid.

The whole “mantle of the devine” nonsense sounds like they’ve confused prayer with the Roman Catholic doctrine of “papal infallibility,” and that only applies when the pope is specifically speaking ex cathedra. Maybe they latched onto that because a couple of the Justices are Catholic.

Perhaps they’d have a point if the Justices wee meeting with the pope, and he delivered an ex cathedra address.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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