YOU, Though, Are On Your Own

As Dims cheer on rioters (the leftist type, anyway), scream to defund the police, try to ban our personal defense weapons, and otherwise disarm us…

New House security program to provide members $10K to safeguard their homes
The House Sergeant at Arms is creating a residential security program that will provide thousands of dollars to congressional lawmakers to help safeguard their homes.
The initiative will pay for up to $10,000 worth of security system equipment and installation costs at House lawmakers’ personal residences. Eligible equipment includes motion sensors, video recorders, indoor and outdoor cameras and door locks.

How ’bout another constitutional amendment?

No member of the House or Senate, nor the President may be provided any security at government expense that is not available to the general public.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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