Gun Controllers Aren’t Even Faking It Anymore

I ran across this opinion column the other day.

The statistical argument for gun control
Numbers don’t lie. People do. This thought came to mind while contemplating the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. So let’s look at some numbers related to guns, mass shootings and deaths in the U.S., comparing them to those in the rest of the world.

Feel free to read it, and pick out the… less than accurate… claims. I looked up the author, Geoffrey Clark, “Professor Emeritus in the School of Human Evolution & Social Change at Arizona State University,” and called him out on a few.

A couple of items I challenged him on were:

1. “assault rifles like the AR-15

2. “semi-automatic M-16

Astonishingly, I got a response from Clark.

I own guns myself. I certainly know the difference between semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons, am familiar with bump stocks (the Las Vegas nutjob used a bump stock), suppressors, etc., and have some knowledge of how to convert the former to the latter.

He knows the difference between semi-auto and full-auto. So I can only assume he deliberately lied.

Hmmm… I wonder if the ATF would be interested in Clark’s alleged knowledge of converting semi-autos into machineguns.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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