The White Stripe Project

It seems the leftist, race-baiting, looting Dim-ocrats have a new idea for attracting white voters: Double down on race-baiting and “equity.”

Yep, calling me a privileged, racist white guy who’s holding down the colored people people of color (why is one phrase bad while the other is good?) is definitely going to induce me to vote Dim, so they can do it to me even more. [/sarc]

Dems launch a new effort to shore up white voters — by leaning into race
A new Democratic-aligned initiative — dubbed the White Stripe Project — has a novel idea for winning white working class voters back to the Democratic Party: lean more into talk of equity and race.

What that’s going to induce me to do is hold my nose and vote — for first time ever, and over serious objections to his Second Amendment problems — for Trump. Protest votes for Libertarians or Mickey Mouse won’t do it. As bad as the Republican wing of the uni-Party is, the Dims’s insane drive to destroy American has fully metastasized.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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