I’m seeing some stories like this:
Jack Smith May Have Doomed His Case Against Trump
Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team has acknowledged they incorrectly claimed that they had submitted all the necessary evidence as mandated by the law in the classified documents case against Donald Trump.That’s basically a euphemism for getting caught committing prosecutorial misconduct.
Attorney Reveals the “Exculpatory” Evidence Jack Smith Possesses that Exonerates President Trump
It turns out that Special Counsel Jack Smith either failed to review evidence that exonerates President Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani or he ignored the findings altogether.Tim Parlatore, the attorney for former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, told CBS News that Smith’s office has within thousands of pages of records turned over by Kerik that contains “exculpatory evidence.” The exact reason why Smith has not disclosed this critical information remains unclear.
Of course, in a sane legal system, Trump would be acquitted, because even the indictment admits that he’s being charged with exercising free speech.
The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election
But the folks who seem convinced there will be an acquittal are overlooking an important point. The trial is set in DC, with a DC jury. That’s a jury pool — that in other J6 cases — freely admits anti-Trump and anti-MAGA biases, and already believing defendants to be guilty — and still getting seated on the juries.
Note that Smith declined to charge Trump is the federal district where Trump lives. He understands the DC biases and wants to use it. He could charge Trump with the terroristic destruction of Alderaan and a DC jury would happily play along, just to screw Orange Man Bad.
To be fair, I have seen one or two stories acknowledging the DC problem, but most ignore it.