New(ish) Stuff for My Readers

I’ve got a few new-to-here features which you’ll find in the left hand sidebar. New to here, because these were on my old Random Acts of Gibberish blog, hosted on WordPress. I got so disgusted with their “upgraded” editor that I abandoned the blog. I had planned to delete it, but someone pointed out the there were years of material there that people still link to. So I just archived it. There is over six years of posts there; you might want to look it over.

But in our “cancel culture” age, I don’t trust WordPress not to decide I’m guilty of wrong-think and kill it anyway. I particularly wanted to make sure certain works were preserved.

Remedial Practical Civics 100 is a series of imaginary classroom lectures and supplemental material meant to teach people — especially younger folks — what they should have learned in school about how the political system is supposed to work… and how it really does. I add new lessons as the fancy strikes me.

Free Books is just that. For a while I tried my hand at science fiction. That resulted in a couple of novels and several short stories in a world where government and the system collapsed… Hey, wait. -looks around- That’s starting to look real familiar again. Anyway, the stuff never sold well, but occasionally people did want to read them for some reason. So they’re here for free. All PDFs. Helpt yourself.

The Tip Jar is there on the odd and remote chance that someone wants to reward my work here. Really. It has happened.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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