Folks are questioning whether Biden himself actually signed that letter dropping out of the race. Everyone is looking at that underlining beneath his name.
It is odd, but… Over the years I’ve occasionally embellished my signature in various ways, including a quick underline. I don’t think it’s necessarily significant.
Biden’s signature — and I’ve looked at quite a few examples this morning — varies a lot; full name, initials, and so forth.
Bit look at this. On the left is a previous example of Biden’s signature. On the right is as signed on the drop-out letter. Look at the “B.”
In all other previous examples, the upright of the “B” curves to the right, as in the sample on the left. All. Sometimes the upright is contiguous with the curves, sometimes it’s separated. But that upright always curves to the right… until this last drop-out signature.
That’s odd. Or maybe it’s an artifact of his worsening Parkinson’s. But odd.
A lot odder than an underlining.
Almost certainly signed with a saved signature from an “autopen”. No need to forge it.
Actually, someone pulled up five separate official documents with absolutely identical signatures, which were clearly autopenned. They don’t look like this one.
(Updated to add sig link.)
My signature has changed noticeably with age and arthritis. And I might sign something once every couple of months instead of several times a day.