Helene Report

What fun. We got 80-something MPH winds (added: my sister saw 89 MPH; my niece saw 87) when Hurricane Helene blew past. Fortunately, rain wasn’t too bad since half the backyard was already flooded from Debbie (and the heavy rains since that).

But I’ve got at least four downed trees to deal with, along with a lot of branches. And much of that will have to wait as they’re in the flooded area.

On the bright side, our roof appears to be intact.

Listening to the scanner it sounds like trees and power lines are down all over the county; with several roads completely blocked.

I did hear an amusing EMS call this morning: Dispatch for “difficulty breathing.” After the squad arrived on scene, they called back in clear… and reported, “We showed him how to turn his oxygen machine on.”

Always RTFM.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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