It seems that Maricopa County still has not fully complied with the Senate subpoena. They are refusing to turn over the routers and hubs used to network the election machines; ballot marking devices, tabulators, check in stations, supervisory pads, and such. And the reason is very interesting incriminating.
Maricopa County officials have not fully complied with the State Senate’s election audit subpoenas, a decision made to avoid causing a “significant security risk” to data utilized by numerous law enforcement agencies, the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office said Monday.
“We had previously believed that the risk would be eliminated by redacting the law enforcement data on the routers and not producing it. But we were informed that redaction did not eliminate the risk,” Deputy County Attorney Joseph LaRue wrote in a letter to Senate Audit Liaison Ken Bennett. “We also learned that if criminal elements or others gained access to this data, it might compromise county and federal law enforcement efforts and put the lives of law enforcement personnel at risk.”
Those routers supposedly only network the election gear, and never, ever connect to the Internet (which is one of the things the auditors want to check). I can think of no valid reason there would be anything in the logs that would related to “numerous law enforcement agencies. No one was supposed to be connecting to the network exception elections officials. No device was supposed to be connected to the network except official election devices.
Deputy County Attorney Joseph LaRue just told the Senate that unauthorized people/agencies were connected. And he wants to hide who and why.
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