Ever go to an opthalmologist and get your eyes dilated? The blurred vision and load Cyclopentolate into a fogger. It could be an aerosol can for small groups, or something like mosquito-fogger truck for BLM/Antifa. Give ’em fair warning, and start spraying.
Then give it a few minutes, and hit the lights.
That’s should give rioters pause. And it should be nonlethal in itself. The LD50 is around 4000 mg/kg in rats and 960 mg/kg in mice, so even a small adult would have to ingest or inhale 1.5 to 4 ounces — if I did the math right — before they’re at risk; not bloody likely in an aerosol application.
Arrested rioters’ reaction to the camera flash for mugshots is just a happy bonus.
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