I heard about the I-40 bridge over the Mississippi, at Memphis, yesterday. From the report I read, I had the impression that it was closed due to a crack in the decking; the road surface.
Oh, no. They may be calling that a “crack”…
Crack Forces I-40 Bridge Over Mississippi River To Close Indefinitely
The Interstate 40 bridge that connects Arkansas with Memphis, Tennessee, was closed Tuesday after the crack was found during a routine inspection. River traffic under the bridge was also halted.Inspectors were so alarmed by the crack that they called 911 to warn that traffic on the bridge needed to be stopped immediately.
That’s not a crack. That’s a main support member completely sheared. There’s a gap between the two pieces, which means stress on the rest of the structure has shifted. No wonder the inspectors called 911 and demanded the entire bridge be closed and cleared. And that’s just what they’ve found so far. I’m betting on more damage.
I grew up there; I remember when that bridge opened, and people cheered because it was so much more convenient than the old Memphis-Arkansas Bridge. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times I’m been over it.
This is really going to screw up interstate transport.
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