An Explanation: They Panicked

The world is insane. Look around. CRT, transgenderism, election-fraud, riots, and mostly peaceful not-riot destruction… All this since around mid-Trump administration, prosecutor that don’t prosecute, judges that don’t convict, jails that don’t jail (sometimes because they need room to jail the non-criminals), censorship and not-censorship silencing, disease cases that aren’t cases, and vaccines that aren’t vaccines. How did the country go so insane so fast?

I’ll point fingers. (Sorry, this is sorta conspiracy land, just once). It’s perfectly obvious that for a long time closet-communist socialists want power. Look how public schools became public indoctrination centers, and you can see what and how they worked. Politically, whatever party label they wear is just a matter of convenience, though they most often register as Democrats.

These communist/socialists (it’s the same thing; socialism is only supposed to be a transition from capitalism to communism) either forgot or never grasped a key point. I’ll get to that.

I was never a Trump supporter, but I could hardly miss how popular he became, if only for some people because he at least wasn’t really part on the entrenched en-stenched mass swamp creature. The communists/socialists saw it, too.

And they responded by panicking. They feared that if Trump won again, and the Democrats, with whom they have a tendency to identify lost, in that backlash they lose their last chance at power. Suddenly, they had a deadline by wich to achieve their goals. They abandoned their decades-long incrementalism — boiling the frog slowly — and rushed everything at once.

Now they really face a potential backlash; one I fear could involve extensive casting of lead ballots.

I’ll now “circle back” to the key point they missed:

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are not independent. L. Neil Smith called them the Boot On Your Neck Party (note the use of the singular). Others call it the Uniparty. If they aren’t monolithis, then they are at the very least incestuously interdependent, live in an eternal (Bog, I hope not) 69.

Dims seek power. They tend to use “social justice” pseudo-thinking to get through social bribery and restrictions on rights they don’t like.

Repugnantcans do the same thing for “law and order” and “big business.”

Reps gave us CALEA and the (un)PATRIOT(ic) Act.

Dims decried both as spying, but once back in power happily used those convenient abilities to spy on the “right” people.

Reps claim to like the Second Amendment, but it was Republican Trump who enabled the most victim-disarming gun control in decades, by having his ATF redefine “machinegun” and “trigger.”

Dims were really happy to grab that precedent and run with it. Just ask Rare Breed Triggers.

Dims screwed the nation with Obamacare.

Reps took control of the White House, Senate, and House by campaigning on “repeal Obamacare.” They didn’t.

All the current two-party clusterfuck does is give the gullible the — false — belief that they can “vote the bastards out.” Well, you can’t; to ensure that, both “parties” restrict “third” (second) party ballot access.

As I said, the communists/socialists never knew or forgot this. So when they feared losing the chance, they panicked. They pushed for everything right now. The 2020 election was another symptom of that.

And that push was a serious mistake. All things cannot come at once. There was one goal they had to achieve before the rest should be turned from simmer to high heat. They needed the population communications isolated from one another.

Or more accurately they needed the population to stop talking face to face, and only suing controlled social media. They needed to control the message. They needed people to trust social media. All that was in-process.

But they panicked. All things now. Including the social media censorship. Instead of sneaking up with the censorship, they went whole hog, and clamped down. Facebbok killed entire groups, Twitter made specifica ideas officially, formally, and publicly forbidden. All this when then were and are other options for people to interact beyond that control.

I was permanently suspended from Twitter for citing state law and evidence that indicated Kyle Rittenhouse acted in lawful self defense. But I had, and have, other options that give me the ability reach more people than Twitter did. I use them.

The communists/socialists may well achieve complete control of the elections, of Big Tech social media. They might control state legislatures, the House, the Senate, the White House.

That might control how several million now-angry people appear to vote. But they don’t control the lead votes. That’s — pun intended — one more gun they jumped. They should have waited until they had victim-disarmament perfected before losing their freaking minds. Disarmed people are at a disadvantage no matter how pissed. When we’re still armed…

Every day can become Roof-Top Election Day. Bullets are harder to censor than Twitter opinions.

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Baldwin vs. Baldwin

Adam Baldwin — no relation to the Baldwin Bros — has a little advice for Alec.

He won’t take it, but there’s good advice out there for Alec now to man up, confess and throw himself on the mercy of the court (both legal & public opinion) and $ pay $ for his negligence/recklessness.

As for the folks who seem to be trying to shift all the blame for the shooting to the — obviously dipstick — “armorer”…

“In 40+ years no one’s ever handed me a firearm on set that wasn’t open and easily eyeballed by me personally as to its status, loaded or unloaded. Alec has experienced this same himself as a 40yr film veteran and producer. He was negligent, at best,” Adam continued.

That’s way it it’s done. Thank you, Adam.

But Alec Baldwin chose to ignore that, and trust — second hand, no less — an “armorer” who apparently thinks the way to check a gun’s condition is point it at one’s self to look at the front of it.

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Alec Baldwin “Rust” Shooting

This whole fiasco just keeps getting worse and worse.

NEWS ALERT: Crew member who gave Baldwin firearm was fired from past job for CHILLING reason
“I can confirm that Dave Halls was fired from the set of ‘Freedom’s Path’ in 2019 after a crew member incurred a minor and temporary injury when a gun was unexpectedly discharged. Halls was removed from set immediately after the prop gun discharged. Production did not resume filming until Dave was off-site. An incident report was taken and filed at that time.”

Halls is reportedly the guy who picked up the prop gun and gave it to Baldwin, claiming it was a “cold gun.” This seems to suggest he’s done this before, though less lethally.

This gives me a great idea for an unscripted reality TV special. “Special” because it couldn’t last long enough for a mini-series, much less a whole season.

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, Dave Halls, and Alec Baldwin compete for a ten million dollar prize.

1. Gutierrez-Reed chooses three guns from a random selection of semi-autos and revolvers. Unobserved by the otjer two, she “prepares” them for use.

2. Halls then chooses three guns from the “prepared” firearms, and gives one each to Gutierrez-Reed and Baldwin, keeping the third for himself.

3. All three sit in a circle, and point their firearms at the head of the person to their right. On a signal they pull the their triggers.

The survivors repeat step three until one survivor remains (or they all killed each other).

Winner takes all. If all die, the $10M prize goes to a selected charity benefiting the mentally retarded.

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This evening should be fun.


We have a dinner invitation to my niece’s house this evening. Normally that would hardly be a problem. But her sister is in town.

That niece and her family now refuse to acknowledge my very presence; I’m invisible and inaudible to them.* I wouldn’t go, but I have to drive my sister there.**

And no, I don’t know why I turned nonexistent. My niece has long disliked me — again, for some unknown reason — but the refusal by her and her kids to acknowledge my existence only started a few years ago. She used to be polite, at least.

I’ll take a book and sit outside. (Which I wish I’d remembered to bring to  the wedding/reception this past weekend; yeah, they were there, too.)

Sorry; I usually keep unpleasant personal stuff off the blog (other than finances, I guess). For some reason this seemed worth noting.

* Her youngest still sees me. I think that’s because she’s too young to know better. She doesn’t speak to me.

** She doesn’t want to risk driving for now due to the possibility of a stroke while behind the wheel.

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The ADL has appropriated the culture of ignorant morons.

Halloween is a week away and you and your family might be brainstorming costume ideas. Check out our resource for reminders about how and why to avoid cultural appropriation, cultural stereotypes, and costumes that perpetuate gender norms.

The ADL is — allegedly — a Jewish anti-antisemitic group; shouldn’t they properly be posting in Hebrew, if they believe this shit?

They’ve also culturally appropriated our language and alphabet.

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Yeah, Yellen, that’s a wealth tax.

Got something to run through the Universal BS Translator.

Dems plan billionaires’ unrealized gains tax to help fund $2T spending bill
“I wouldn’t call that a wealth tax, but it would help get at capital gains, which are an extraordinarily large part of the incomes of the wealthiest individuals and right now escape taxation until they’re realized,” Yellen said on CNN.

-beep buzz whirr click-

Output: How outrageous that these people don’t pay income tax on income that they haven’t had. Tax their wealth and take it away from them.

It’ll be interesting to see how they write such a bill, for this only to apply to “billionaires…”

And you and me, as well, given the equal protection clause.

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I always thought WaPo’s “Democracy Dies In Darkness”…

…was more of a brag than a motto, Breitbart.

The Washington Post, the leftist legacy media outlet whose motto is “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” admitted to publishing fake news about the public’s discontent with floundering President Joe Biden.

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I’m willing to bet this idiot votes, too.

Show of hands: Who here eats Pop Tarts for the high nutritional value, believing they’re chock full of vitamin-packed fruit?

Kellogg’s slapped with $5M lawsuit over Pop-Tarts’ strawberry filling
The lawsuit, filed in late August by Anita Harris in the U.S. District Court Southern District of Illinois East St. Louis Division against Kellogg Sales Company, argues that the Kellogg Sales Company is misleading consumers by promoting the breakfast pastry’s strawberry filling in its labels and marketing, giving an impression that the fruit filling contains “a greater relative and absolute amount of strawberries than it does.”

Harris pointed out that more Americans are eating strawberries because of “one of the highest levels of nutrient density of all fruits” and “‘an excellent source of vitamin C,’ necessary for immune and skin health.”

I can safely safe I never ate a Pop Tart or other similar toaster pastry for the vitamin C.

She’s gotta be a Dim-ocrat. And she doubled down on the stupid:

The company’s “Frosted Strawberry Toaster Pastries” contain 2% or less of “dried strawberries, dried pears, dried apples” and “red 40,” according to its nutrition label.

“The Product does not reveal the addition of this artificial coloring anywhere other than the ingredient list,” court documents further stated.

Yeah, because that’s what the “nutrition facts” box is for, so those who give a damn know where to look for that information. Which the filing seems to indicate she read.

Oh. Wait. She may have an excuse for being stupid (and Dim-ocrat): East St. Louis. Sadly, this means if she gets a jury trial, they’ll be her peers and she’ll probably win. Maybe she’s not quite so stupid.

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Interesting Unnamed-Sources Reporting On The Rust “Armorer”

Over at The Zelman Partisans, I’ve written a little about just who should be held responsible, and how, for Alec Baldwin’s killing of one and wounding of another. More stories keep coming out about the armorer.

If this is accurate, “Armorer” Hannah Gutierrez Reed has some problems. is claiming:

Multiple sources directly connected to the ‘Rust’ production tell TMZ … the same gun Alec Baldwin accidentally fired — hitting the DP and director — was being used by crews members off set as well, for what we’re told amounted to target practice.

We’re told this off-the-clock shooting — which was allegedly happening away from the movie lot — was being done with real bullets … which is how some who worked on the film believe a live round found its way in one of the chambers that day.
There’s also this … one source who was on set and familiar with the goings-on of the crew tells us that when cops showed up, they found live ammo and blanks were being stored in the same area — another possible explanation for how an actual bullet slipped got in the gun.

I’m leery of unnamed sources, but this is consistent with other claims of lax-to-downright-sloppy on-set procedures.

Again, if true, was Reed allowing this? Or was she simply leaving the firearms unsecured? Why live ammo; was it so that crew members had supplies for recreational shooting? Does the insurance company know? Miss Reed appears to be well into “reckless.”

Then there’s this NYPost report.

The “inexperienced” armorer in charge of weapons on the set of Alec Baldwin’s movie “Rust” had given a gun to an 11-year-old actress without checking property for safety, a report said.
“She was reloading the gun on the ground, where there were pebbles and stuff,” one source told the outlet. “We didn’t see her her check it, we didn’t know if something got in the barrel or not.”

This incident allegedly occurred on set for the movie “The Old Way.”

If there’s any question, you check. If people will give sworn depositions confirming these incidents, Reed had best start working on a plea deal. And then there’s the civil liability all around.

Glad I ain’t them. But if I was them, it wouldn’t have happened, because I’m not an idiot.

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New TZP Column

You have a systemic problem, and it isn’t just racism.

Hey, if the left can perceive a systemic problem based on a single alleged event, then I can do it for a single two three four negligent discharges.

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