Let’s Have Another Dose of Daily Dumbassery

How else is he supposed to get money? But the kicker is something else.

VIDEO: 11-year old pistol whips driver, helps mom in carjacking
Webster University instructor Dr. Muthoni Musangali was interviewed about the incident and said, “I just think this puts him on the wrong path. Desensitization to violence at such a young age, it means the young boy may be more likely to engage in violence, aggressive behavior or even criminal activity in the future.”

Hey, Doc; if an eleven year-old punk has a gun, and is using it to pistol-whip people and steal cars, I dare say he was put on the “wong path” quite some time ago.

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Don’t Assume Senile Gropin’ Joe Misspoke

Tax the trillionaires!

Joe Biden Complains American ‘Trillionaires’ Not Paying Enough Taxes
“I’m running to change the dynamic of how the economy grows,” Biden said. “I’m tired of trickle-down. Trillionaires and billionaires are doing very, very well. You all report it.”

Did he misspeak? Again?

Or is he easing Americans into the hyperinflationary reality of multi-trillion dollars budgets and money pumping?

Perhaps the Fed has already placed an order for Zimbabwe’s surplus currency.

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I have mixed feelings about this one.

Pennsylvania attorney general sues GOP to stop election subpoena
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro sued on Thursday to block a Republican-backed subpoena to state election officials in what the GOP calls a “forensic investigation” of the 2020 presidential election.

Shapiro, a Democrat, asked the state’s Commonwealth Court to block the subpoena, arguing that it serves no legitimate legislative purpose and that it stems from former President Donald Trump ‘s efforts to allege widespread fraud foiled his reelection bid during last year’s general election.

On the one hand, a forensic audit would serve a useful purpose: Letting voters see exactly who needs to be removed from office. SCOTUS has spoken, and the 2020 election wouldn’t be overturned; but we’d see who did what, and figure out to keep it from happening again. Imagine arguing against a corporate financial audit… because the money has already been embezzled and laundered out of country. Sure, you might not ever get the money back, but you’d know who to fire and charge.

On the other hand, most of what government does serves no legitimate purpose. It could be nice to have a judicial precedent to cite to stop more of that crap.

Oh, and the very fact that Shapiro doesn’t want voters to know what happened clearly establishes him as someone who needs to be removed from office. As if sheer stupidity wasn’t sufficient cause.

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ChinCOVID Pseudo-Vax and Myocarditis; My Bad

A few days ago, I wrote about the scary fact that there is a 1 in a thousand chance of myocarditis from the Pfizer pseudo-vax jab. I stand corrected. That stat came from an FDA panel hearing, and I thought they were specifically referring to the Pfizer crap.

This morning, I found the paper that I believe is the source of the 1:1,000 statistic. It’s a Canadian study, and it isn’t just the Pfizer jab. The 1:1,000 is an average of both Pfizer and Moderna. Worse yet, the incidence in Moderna recipients victims was three times higher than in Pfizer jabees.

So when I said we may be needing 10,000 spare hearts for transplants in the next few years? Forget that.

As of 9/21/2021, Reuters reports that 212,255,202 Americans have received at least one dose of one of the vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna make up the bulk of those. At the 1:1,000 ratio, we may actually need 212,255 spare hearts.

Yes, 212,255.

So… Sorry. My misunderstanding caused me to underestimate the potential need for transplant material by a freaking order of magnitude. Times two.

Looking at ChinCOVID fatality rates for my age group (and bearing in mind that unlike the majority od deaths I’m not obese, diabetic, hypertensive, etc.), and that post-jab myocarditis cases are 79% male…

I’m at a far greater risk of death from the jab than I am from the disease that I haven’t gotten during 21 months of plandemic.

And that’s just myocarditis, never mind all the other adverse effects.

If you attempt to “vaccinate” me with that shit, I will offer you a gun violence vaccination. Two doses to the chest, and a booster shot to the head.

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That is the oldest 4 year old I’ve ever seen.

Video at Knuckledraggin’.

Wait. I never did that even as a small child. WTF?

Hell, maybe there’s some remarkable backstory that makes this merely stupid, and not stupidly crazy.

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