Now Fulton County has an excuse for the audit finding a discrepancy between the number of ballots and ballot IMAGES.

Overnight, someone “broke into” the building where the ballots are stored.

Please recall that multiple witnesses reported — and video showing — piles of ballots being scanned multiple times. If the damned judge ever gets around to allowing the audit to proceed, they were going to find more ballot images than they had paper ballots.

Now Fulton County election officials criminals have an excuse for the discrepancy: Gee, judge; the burglar must have taken a bunch of ballots. And when the finger pointing really gets started, they could even go so far as to claim the plaintiffs knew there was no discrepancy in numbers, so they stole them themselves so they could “find” a discrepancy.

There are few possible scenarios here.

A. Intrusion, but nothing actually taken. It’s just an excuse for the discrepancy.

B. Someone could have taken the ballots that witnesses say suspiciously appeared preprinted, and all for Biden. Get rid of that incriminating evidence, if that was for real.

C. It could have been a freelance burglar, unrelated to the election/audit, who simply thought he could find something to steal and pawn. Hitting a place under so much legal scrutiny would be incredibly stupid, since I’ll guarantee folks will want surveillance footage from every camera for a mile around the facility. A freelance redistributionist is going to get caught because this is so high profile. But the prisons are full of stupid criminals.*

Any way it went down, unless video shows someone just kicking in a door and leaving empty-handed, the audit just became pointless. Any problem with ballot numbers is explained away.

* There was an inmate in a the prison I worked at; the other inmates called him “Pizza Hut.” He got that handle because…

A friend owed him money. So his friend talked him into helping him rob their neighborhood Pizza Hut — yes, where our genius was known — so that friend could get the money to pay PH back.

Even the other inmates — no Einsteins themselves — considered him a dumbass.

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Of the Retarded, By the Retarded…

Gotta watch this short clip.

Look at blue states, and especially blue cities (ahem, Atlanta), and tell me he’s wrong.

ETA: Nota Bene; it’s a short clip without context. Bog only knows what he might be advocating instead.

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Pseudovax Approval (and a generous offer)

Have you noticed something?

  • July 27, 2020: Pfizer’s ChinCOVID pseudovaccine human trials began.
  • November 18, 2020: Pfizer human trials “concluded.”
  • December 11, 2020: CDC issued an Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer pseudovaccine.
  • May 10, 2021: CDC expanded the EUA to include 12-15yos.

Note that an EUA is merely an authorization for voluntary “vaccination” with an experimental, and unapproved, medication. Basically all those receiving a ChinCOVID pseudovaccine are really participating in an extended human trial.

After 10 months of the largest human trials in history, the pseudovaccine that’s so safe and effective that Fauci, and CDC/NIAID/FDA personnel decline it — pay no attention to the anaphylactic shock, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, immune disorders, blood clots, cardiac inflammation, post-vax ChinCOVID cases, etc.* — still is not approved.

Just pondering.


* And that doesn’t even get into the potential long-term side effects of which I warned last year, and which an RN I speak to also agrees is likely to be the case. Scare stories about long-term adverse effects on male fertility are still just scare stories; but I think it’s worth watching for.

Just in case, ladies: I am not pseudovaxxed. And I am available for personal sperm donations. Send pictures.

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Does Syria use Dominion voting systems, too?

Syria’s Assad ‘Wins’ Fourth Term with 95 Percent of the Vote

Huh. Suspiciously high votes in areas, record turnout, oddly high “winning” percentage.

Looks a lot like Fulton County.

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Solar Powered Night Vision?

Keepads Harris gave a speech at the Navy academy. In support of the idea of military use of wind and solar power, she told what was apparently supposed to be a joke.* She imagined asking a female Marine which she’d prefer to carry: twenty pounds of batteries, or a rolled-up solar panel.

Either all those battery-powered devices they carry — NVDs, radios, optics, and so on — are either going to still have batteries, or that poor Marine is going to trudging along in the field with an unfurled solar panel. But let’s say batteries. Please.

So… night patrol. NVD batteries go dead. No prob, says Kneepads; just open up that solar panel and recharge. Surely the moon and starlight will be sufficient. </sarc>

Okay, so day patrol. Radio battery go tango uniform. Deploy the solar panel and recharge. With a little luck, you’ll be charged enough to call in that request for artillery support before nightfall.

Somehow, I think that Marine will still be carrying spare batteries. I’d assume at least two spares for an extended patrol. If a battery dies, you want to swap it for a charged one, and then have the dead one recharged before the replacement runs down, too.

And if you don’t really want the troops on the move with location revealing solar panels deployed all the time, patrols will all be extended when you have to take a down day every other day to get everything recharged.

At least that isn’t quite as bad as the solar-charged electric main battle tank.

* If anyone got her joke’s punch line, can you explain who “he” is?

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Earthworms and Brussel Sprouts?

First Coast News ran one of those puff pieces that are actually ads for local businesses. This one is for a restaurant that claims to be gluten and sugar free. But the article header image…

Is… that… earthworms and brussel sprouts?

And “sugar free” is apparently a fluid concept, because they serve sweet potatoes. With grapes.

Looking at the place’s menu, I can safely say a whole lot of that doesn’t sound, or look, very appealing.

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Apparently the average Brit is no brighter than the average on this side of the pond.

Thousands ‘had phones unwittingly tracked’ after getting vaccine
Millions of people in the UK were ‘unwittingly tracked’ via their mobile phones as Government scientists gathered data on coronavirus vaccines.

Why in hell did they think the .gov wanted them to install the vax tracker app?

And they believe these two statements?

They also looked at whether people directly went home after having a Covid-19 jab.
It is understood that the analysis used data from the cell tower level of anonymised data, and the government does not believe it counts as individual surveillance as a result.

If they could tell if vaxxed went home, they were grabbing far more specific location data than just the tower loc.

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New column at The Zelman Partisans regarding the ATF’s proposed rule on firearm definitions.

“I wrote last week about the ATF not properly following the Administrative Procedures Act; to wit: they published the NPRM on one docket, took comments, then killed that docket and opened a new one. Let’s follow up on that.”
[Keep reading]

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“China Virus” or “ChinCOVID”

Can I get sued, too?

Trump sued by civil rights group for referring to COVID-19 as ‘China Virus’
Former President Donald Trump is facing legal action from the Chinese Americans Civil Rights Coalition (CARC) in response to what the group alleges are derogatory comments regarding the origins of the coronavirus.

I could use the money.

But if they want to sue over diseases named for locations…

Lyme Disease
West Nile Virus
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Guinea Worm
German Measles
Ross River Fever
Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
Marburg Virus
Lassa Fever
La Crosse Encephalitis
St. Louis Encephalitis

But this.

“Holding the most powerful office in the country, Defendant reckless neglected his official duty to represent all Americans, and maintain justice, domestic tranquility, and general welfare for all communities, Whites, Blacks, Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans, and so on.”

“Represent.” Not “protect the feelz of snowflakes who aren’t even from China from butthurt.

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