When the CDC, FDA, and Fauxci’s own NIAID won’t get the ChinCOVID “vaccine”

…you have to wonder what they know that they’re trying to hide from us. Normally I wouldn’t link to InfoWars, but this is fairly straightforward.

Watch: Fauci Admits Only “A Little More Than Half” Of NIAID, FDA & CDC Employees Took COVID Jab
During a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on Tuesday, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and the FDA’s Peter Marks admitted nearly half of employees in their agencies have not been jabbed with the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations.

And how many of those who say they have, are lying, knowing that HIPAA keeps their little secret?

You may recall that Fauxci declined to get the Pfizer jab that he was pestering everyone else to get.

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ChinCOVID “Vaccine” Concerns: Fake Debunking

First Coast News has a pro-ChinCOVID “vaccine” propaganda program called “Verify.” It’s utter BS, with this latest example being typical.

No, vaccinated people can’t shed COVID-19 vaccine spike proteins
With over 30% of the U.S. population fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of May 6, and the CDC’s recent changes to the agency’s outdoor mask guidance, there have been multiple social media claims alleging that those who have received the vaccine can somehow cause harm to people who are unvaccinated.

I’ve seen those concerns on a lot more than social media. Mostly anecdotal, and mostly issues more easily explained otherwise, but there are enough seemingly legitimate cases that I think it warrants investigation. But…

VERIFY viewer Michael asked in April if vaccinated individuals can shed spike proteins from the vaccine that may cause adverse reactions to people who have not been vaccinated.

I’ll bet that wasn’t his question, because I, at least, haven’t seen anyone saying “spike proteins” from the vaccine.

Can people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine shed spike proteins from the vaccine that cause adverse effects
to unvaccinated people?

You see what they did there? The question is really whether a vaccinated person could shed spike proteins. But they reframed it as “spike proteins from the vaccine. Well, of course not, because there are no spike proteins in the mRNA vaccines. People are concerned about shedding the ribosome-produced — at the direction of the mRNA — proteins.

But then they went full bait and switch. Remember, that the real the question is “Can people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine SHED SPIKE PROTEINS”?

“Sankar explained that vaccine shedding claims are “completely false.”

“The genetic instructions in the vaccines are used to create the spike protein within the cell and are degraded shortly after,” said Sankar. “None of the components of the vaccines ‘circulate’ or move around or out of the body. Additionally, there is no ‘shedding’ of any live virus, especially since none of the vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. and Canada contain a live virus.”

Sankar ignores the question of protein shedding, and pretended the question was VACCINE shedding.

“There is no way for a COVID-19 vaccinated person to ‘shed vaccine.’ COVID-19 vaccines give instructions to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them.”

Same problem; the CDC answered a question not asked, and ignored the question of protein shedding.

Frankly, my guess would be that “vaccinated” people do shed proteins. But I have no idea if it’s really a cause for concern.

“Vaccine shedding” is an issue with conventional live-weakened vaccines like polio. I’ve heard that Africa has a real problem with polio spreading because people with zero concept of sanitation and hygiene are shedding virus into the communities.

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If I were running Colonial Pipeline, that isn’t how I’d have handled it.

They paid the ransom: Colonial Pipeline paid hackers almost $5 million in ransom: Report.

I would have told them eff off, and offered a five mill bounty for  the “hackers” (more likely script kiddies, no matter their age) heads.

Colonial would still be out $5 million, but these hackers would learn a little lesson about consequences.

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“Crack,” my ass.

I heard about the I-40 bridge over the Mississippi, at Memphis, yesterday. From the report I read, I had the impression that it was closed due to a crack in the decking; the road surface.

Oh, no. They may be calling that a “crack”…

Crack Forces I-40 Bridge Over Mississippi River To Close Indefinitely
The Interstate 40 bridge that connects Arkansas with Memphis, Tennessee, was closed Tuesday after the crack was found during a routine inspection. River traffic under the bridge was also halted.

Inspectors were so alarmed by the crack that they called 911 to warn that traffic on the bridge needed to be stopped immediately.

That’s not a crack. That’s a main support member completely sheared. There’s a gap between the two pieces, which means stress on the rest of the structure has shifted. No wonder the inspectors called 911 and demanded the entire bridge be closed and cleared. And that’s just what they’ve found so far. I’m betting on more damage.

I grew up there; I remember when that bridge opened, and people cheered because it was so much more convenient than the old Memphis-Arkansas Bridge. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times I’m been over it.

This is really going to screw up interstate transport.

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Maricopa County: If we still had a functional legal system…

…this would have been a stack of arrest warrants, not another Senate letter saying, Please comply with the subpoena.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Elections Officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE from Voting Machines – Including “All Election Information” from Main Database — With Copy of Senate Letter
I. Ongoing Non-Compliance with the Legislative Subpoenas
To date, attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election, relying on a conclusory and unsupported assertion that providing the routers would somehow “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens.”If true, the fact that Maricopa County stores on its routers substantial quantities of citizens’ and employees’ highly sensitive personal information is an alarming indictment of the County’s lax data security practices, rather than of the legislative subpoenas.

II. Chain of Custody and Ballot Organization Anomalies
The County has not provided any chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots.Does such documentation exist, and if so, will it be produced?

III. Deleted Databases
We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena.

Deleting an entire directory on the EMS server is one of those things that should require an admin password.

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Here’s an interesting idea for a riot control technique.

Ever go to an opthalmologist and get your eyes dilated? The blurred vision and load Cyclopentolate into a fogger. It could be an aerosol can for small groups, or something like mosquito-fogger truck for BLM/Antifa. Give ’em fair warning, and start spraying.

Then give it a few minutes, and hit the lights.

That’s should give rioters pause. And it should be nonlethal in itself. The LD50 is around 4000 mg/kg in rats and 960 mg/kg in mice, so even a small adult would have to ingest or inhale 1.5 to 4 ounces — if I did the math right — before they’re at risk; not bloody likely in an aerosol application.

Arrested rioters’ reaction to the camera flash for mugshots is just a happy bonus.

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Machinegun Confirmed

The Zelman Partisans have a page, MACHINEGUNS USED IN CRIMES, POST-NFA, in which we track just that, along with unconfirmed reports and lawful uses. I like to have that handy when some media idiot starts spouting off about all the “assault rifles” used by criminals.

I just confirmed one more; the South Carolina school bus hijacking by the deserting soldier-in-training. Since the sheriff had been quoted as saying the rifle was “his Army-issued rifle,” that seemed fairly definite. But I hoped to nail it down a little better. I emailed the Army and the Sheriff’s office. And I just got confirmation; it was an M4 carbine.

But the part that surprised me was that Sheriff Leon Lott of the RCSD personally replied. I expected an answer, if any, to come from a PIO or deputy. I appreciate Sheriff Leon taking the time to do it himself.

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About the Maricopa Voting Machine Certification

Remember back when I wondered how Maricopa County’s election system could be certified IAW federal law when they didn’t even have admin access?

HUGE: Citizens Group in Arizona Drops a MOAB – Sues State for 2018, 2019, and 2020 Elections That Were Not In Compliance with Arizona Law
Now a group after reviewing Arizona law, claims that the 2018, 2019, and 2020 elections related to this law were out of compliance with state law. Their rationale is because the firms that reviewed their voting machine equipment were not certified by the EAS as Arizona law mandates.

So… uncertified companies doing security audits without admin access. What could go wrong?

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Maricopa doesn’t know “compromised” yet.

I’ve already discussed the insanity of tying all those Maricopa County systems together, and how — if the sheriff is correct about what would be exposed simply by looking at routers — the election system is already compromised. But look a little closer at Penzone’s statement:

We are talking about confidential, sensitive and highly-classified law enforcement data and equipment that will be permanently compromised.

Not “Looking at the routers would reveal database server addresses.” He is saying that looking at the routers would reveal the actual data. Think about that. I see three options.

1. He is lying.

2. He believed someone else’s lie.

3. The data is on the routers.

#3 is scary. Routers log connections, packet counts, connection attempts, firewall data. But they don’t normally log packet content, the actual data. So the data the sheriff says would be exposed shouldn’t be there.

But… If they’ve configured the routers for packet sniffing and logging, then yes; it would. But remember, this is a county wide network.

Bill payments, payroll data including names and bank routing and account numbers, HIPAA-protected Medicare/Medicaid patient data, emails, chat messages…

anything sent over the county wide network.

I imagine blackhats around the world are probing the hell out of maricopa.gov by now, hoping to get in and steal — or hold for ransom — all the great data the sheriff claims is there, sitting on routers, all nicely collected for them. Instead of getting into the network, then probing a bunch of separate servers, they just need to attack a router.

Of course, they’ll mostly just be disappointed if the sheriff was lying or misled. But they’ll want to check.

All because Sheriff Penzone told them the data is there.

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