Is Babylon Bee reading my blog?

Moi, April 24: I think Gropin’ Joe Bye-Biden confused “coronavirus” with “computer virus”.

Babylon Bee, April 27: Biden Wears Mask On Zoom Call In Case COVID Has Mutated Into A Computer Virus

But then, the analogy is pretty obvious.

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Ain’t they special? “Incentive.”

They actually think people are wearing masks outside. Bless their hearts. Nope, not around this part of the country.

WATCH: New CDC guidance gives ‘incentive to get vaccinated’ White House says
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki commented on the CDC’s new guidance that Americans can dispense with the wearing of masks outside if they are fully vaccinated.

“The incentive is to get vaccinated, so that you can enjoy the benefits of being vaccinated,” Psaki said.

And damned few inside, except in places that absolutely require face-diapers. Most of the country is smarter than Biden.

Pcircles, you’re gonna need a better incentive to get me to get jabbed with an unapproved, genetically-engineered, experimental not-a-vaccine.

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2A Amicus Brief

I wish I could file this as an amicus brief in every court case based on the Second Amendment, like NYSRP v. Corlett.

Plaintiffs question the constitutionality of the Defendant’s action. But the practical question before the court regards the United States Constitution. Does it mean what it says, and is it even still in effect?

Where the courts have issued hard rulings on the Second Amendment, in recent decades it has mostly been, “No.”

Courts have allowed bans of weapons, bans of cosmetic features, bans on carrying weapons, limits on ammunition, and licensing requirements for an enumerated Constitutionally protected right.

Where courts, especially the Supreme Court, have ruled in favor of the Second Amendment, they have carefully worded their decisions to make recognition of the Amendment as narrow as possible. The Court invented levels of “scrutiny” not found anywhere in the Constitution, effectively rewriting the Second Amendment to read, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall be a privilege, subject to the capricious whims and perceived compelling needs of the government.”

Those who dislike the limitations on government placed there by the Constitution declared that the needs of the government must be balanced against the actual language of the document, with varying degrees of scrutiny, or nothing would get done. That was exactly the point in “shall not be infringed.”

in·​fringe | \ in-ˈfrinj
infringed; infringing
Definition of infringe

transitive verb
1 : to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another

“to encroach upon in a way.” The basic founding document of this Constitutional Republic says that the government has no “compelling need” for limits on the People’s individual rights to keep and bear arms.

The Supreme Court has been reluctant to accept any Second Amendment case since McDonald, and when they do, as in NYSRP v. Corlett, they manipulate the issue to avoid tough questions. That case became the ultimate strawman argument in which the plaintiffs are required to defend a question they never asked, and cannot raise their own, far more important question again. Unexplained “mootness” and “lack of standing” are the Court’s go-to excuses for not hearing cases at all.

This problem with the courts has worsened in recent years. The appearance is of two underlying problems.

1. A strong political bias in favor of the radical Left, and against the Constitution as written.

2. A strong fear of the escalating violence of the radical Left should they make a ruling the rioting masses dislike.

In both conditions, the courts seems to ignore the Constitutional wishes of the conservative Constitution-preferring half of the country. Perhaps the courts have mistaken their remarkably limited violence for passive compliance.

An unknown Internet wag suggests otherwise, positing that the Left’s violence control is a rheostat, which can be gradually turned up and down as needed.

The very patient, conservative Right has an ON/OFF switch.

The courts’ accelerating tendency to discard the Constitution in making “safe” and “popular” (to the noisy Left) is putting more and more pressure on that switch.

No one with a properly functioning brain wants that switch flipped, leading some, under the — possibly mistaken — impression that the Constitution does mean what it says and is still in effect, to wonder just how many courts are so equipped.

This court must discard scrutiny in this case and examine the challenged law. Does it encroach upon the Second Amendment in any way that violates the rights of any individual? Is the Constitution still effect, or has the court declared The Revolution?

Any pro-Second Amendment attorney or organization that has the gonads to actually use — properly formatted and annotated by whichever court’s rules — this has my permission to do so. Note that the NRA is not currently a pro-Second Amendment organization. Perhaps it can rehabilitate itself someday.

Addendum: Some might wonder how serious I am about this. Not really; even it is something some judges need to hear. It would antagonize the court, which is pointless except in a hopeless cause where we want to out in a blaze of glory. Except in such a case, I’d probably question the judgement of an attorney who let me do it.

Sadly, we are very close to the “hopeless cause” point. So maybe I am serious.

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Let’s play “Find The School Shooting”

I used to play this occasionally at The Zelman Partisans. The idea is to go through Everytown’s list of “school” shootings, and see what might actually be a school shooting. To pad the numbers Everytown will include stuff involving non-students on school grounds in the middle of the night, college frat parties, anything near a school whether or not it had anything to do with the school, “somebody thought they heard shots near a school, and — on one occasion — a “shooting” that I could find no record of anywhere. But of course when they talk about shootings, they want you to think of liitle boys and girls gunned down in elementary and high schools.

Back then, they didn’t include links for their sources, but I see they do now. That will make things easier.

So let’s go! I’m going to look at the ten most recent.

Ten “shootings.” Five, maybe even just four, were what normal people think of when they hear “school shooting.” 50% accuracy rate. Last time I played their rate was 55%. And the time before that, it was 57.1%.

Everytown is actually getting worse every time I check.

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Yeah; make the NBA register as a foreign agent.

China Applauds Return of NBA, Urges It to ‘Undertake Lobbying’ for China in U.S.
China’s state-run Global Times on Sunday touted the participation of the U.S. National Basketball Association (NBA) at China’s first International Consumer Products Expo, scheduled for May 7-10 in the city of Haikou. The Chinese paper suggested the NBA should “undertake a certain amount of lobbying within the U.S.” on Beijing’s behalf to repay its hosts for their generosity.

If they don’t, arrest their asses.

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Remember when senile, fully “vaccinated,” Bye-Biden wore a ChinCOVID mask for a teleconference? It was a “message.”

White House: Joe Biden ‘Sending a Message to the World’ by Wearing Mask in Video Summit
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday the president wanted to send a message to world leaders about the importance of wearing masks.

“Because he is sending a message to the world that he is putting into place precautions, continuing to do that as leader of the United States,” Psaki said, when a reporter asked why Biden wore a mask on camera during the summit.

Sorry, Pcircles, the message was really The President of the United States is a freaking idiot.

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New Post at TZP on SCOTUS granting cert on a 2A case.

At The Zelman Partisans: Prediction: NYSRP et al v. Corlett

The US Supreme Court granted cert in NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION , INC., ROBERT N ASH, BRANDON KOCH v. KEITH M. CORLETT. Some see this as a good thing; SCOTUS finally taking a 2A case. I’m not so optimistic.

Sneaky bastards. SCOTUS, that is.

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Sure would be interesting if this passed

Which it already did in the House. I’ve been looking over H.R.1280 – George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021.

Basically, it outlaws policing. Let’s start with this.


(A) IN GENERAL.—The term “racial profiling” means the practice of a law enforcement agent or agency relying, to any degree, on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation in selecting which individual to subject to routine or spontaneous investigatory activities or in deciding upon the scope and substance of law enforcement activity following the initial investigatory procedure, except when there is trustworthy information, relevant to the locality and timeframe, that links a person with a particular characteristic described in this paragraph to an identified criminal incident or scheme.

Then they outlaw it.

SEC. 311. Prohibition.

No law enforcement agent or law enforcement agency shall engage in racial profiling.
SEC. 312. Enforcement.

(a) Remedy.—The United States, or an individual injured by racial profiling, may enforce this part in a civil action for declaratory or injunctive relief, filed either in a State court of general jurisdiction or in a district court of the United States.

But here’s the kicker. Definitive proof of racial profiling is…

(c) Nature of proof.—Proof that the routine or spontaneous investigatory activities of law enforcement agents in a jurisdiction have had a disparate impact on individuals with a particular characteristic described in section 302(6) shall constitute prima facie evidence of a violation of this part.

What if there’s a reason members of one particular group gets investigated more often? What if one group represents… say, 13% of the total population, but accounts for 26.6 percent of all crime? What if that 13% of the population accounted for 51.2% of all murders? What if the police have to investigate a black person more often because black people were the offenders?

Imagine the radio call:

Dispatch: 1-Adam-12, respond to home invasion in progress at 123 Main.

Adam-12: Dispatch, what’s the race of the invader?

Dispatch: Two black males.

Adam-12: Negative, Dispatch. 13% of our arrestees this year already were black. Any more would be disparate.

Dispatch: Roger, 1-Adam-12. Stand down, and I’ll inform the complainant.

If this monstrosity passes, every cop in the country would be wise to quit. That will be fun. Cops stand down, everyone goes vigilante and takes care of the problem themselves.

My sister suggests we handle it with dumpsters: one for recyclables, one for regular trash, and one marked “Biohazardous Waste” for the bodies.

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Past the PNR

There’s no escaping the fall of American civilization. The nation is too freaking stupid to recover.

Students claim soap dispensers are proof of systemic racism. Here’s my rebuttal.
Well, I’ve got a new one you can add to the list: soap dispensers.

Yes, you read that correctly. According to a recent online debate on “systemic racism” put on by the Bruin Republicans that I attended, soap dispensers are proof that white people are systemically racist against black people, according to some of my peers.

But it’s not just any dispensers, mind you. It’s those high-tech automatic ones. The reason is simple. As one UCLA student claimed during the debate, automatic soap dispensers “don’t see her hands” due to the dark pigment of her skin. As another student reiterated, soap dispensers are racist because they force “black and brown bodies” to show their palms — “the only light areas of the skin” — in order to get soap out.

PIR. The only “color” they see is infrared.

I wouldn’t even have rebutted that. I’d have just told them, “You are too fucking stupid to live.”

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