Maricopa County will finally comply with the router subpoena.

You know, the routers they claimed didn’t exist.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Agrees to Settle with Arizona Senate — Special Master Hired to Provide Answers to Senate

1. A Special Master has been selected by the Parties to coordinate the process whereby answers will be provided to quesstions the Senate has concerning the County’s routers and splunk logs as they relate to the November 3, 2020 general election. The Special Master is former congressman John Shadegg. Congressman Shadegg wil hire one to three computer technology experts to assist him in respondinh to the Senate’s questions.
2. The scope of the Senate’s questions shall be limited to matters conscerning the County’s routers and splunk logs in relation to the November 3, 2020 general election…

I figure it’s too late, and incriminating data has already been wiped or over-written.

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