
Twelve Round has a solution for our tyranical psychopaths raping the Constitution to impose communism. I find it overly optimitistic.

Millions and Millions

All we need to do is make the people responsible for enforcing the constitution, even the laws on the books, do it. How we manage that is up to the people. I say that one method is to make sure the people do the jobs they were hired to do or remove them from office. We have no need of laws, if no one will enforce them and we have no need of people entrusted with enforcing them, if they won’t do it.

If those millions and millions won’t do that, won’t take the simplest, easiest steps to save the nation from communist rule; if they would rather fight it out; if that’s the only solution they see, they can count me in, because sitting around watching it crumble before my eyes, watching every rule, every law, every principle of freedom demolished by inaction is more than I can take.

Lessee… make them do their jobs.

Like going to school board meetings and getting arrested. Or put on an FBI terrorist list.

Or we could write letters to the editor, which can be rejected because “You aren’t an MD, so you aren’t qualified to note that a mask that passes 4 micron particles won’t block sub-micron aerosols” (yeah, happened to me).

I know! Let’s vote ’em out at the next election. You know, the elections they control. Hey; there’s millions of us. It ain’t like the blue strongholds will stop counting long enough to see other counties’ results, so they know how many times to run their own ballots through the machines in the middle of the night.

No worries. It isn’t as if they can permanently damage the economy by the mid-ter… uh. Never mind.

Or the millions of us could circulate petitions to force recalls, with the signatures “validated” by the same group of scumbags we want to vote out. And if we can get a recall election, see above re:who’s running the election.

“The struggle is no longer just who gets to vote, or making it easier for eligible people to vote – it’s who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all!”
— Gropin’ Joe Xiden, 12-14-2021

Here’s a cynically pragmatic suggestion: bribe the bastards to do the right thing, to do their jobs honestly. Um… good luck with that once all your money has been equitably re-distributed. You didn’t think that plan went away just because Xiden’s commie comptroller nominee withdrew, did you?

As things stand now, the only way to “fix” the system is for the entrenched Dim socialists/communists/totalitarians to voluntarily back the fuck off. And that unlikely option won’t be on the table much longer.

There might be a “tipping point” where political disagreements become so divisive that no issue can unite Republicans and Democrats again, according to a study released by researchers at Cornell University, Study Finds reported Tuesday.
“We found that polarization increases incrementally only up to a point,” Macy added. “Above this point, there is a sudden change in the very fabric of the institution, like the change from water to steam when the temperature exceeds the boiling point.”
Results of the model the researchers constructed indicate that at any level below the “critical point” of polarization, the researchers could reverse the political divisiveness by toning down their control parameters, according to Study Finds.

We are currently at 99.9995 degrees Celsius. If someone so much as turns on a light, the pot will boil, and it’ll be too late for the totalitarians to turn the heat down.

Back to Twelve Round:

…if they would rather fight it out; if that’s the only solution they see, they can count me in…

Count you in for what? Organized combat? Pick a private militia, and I’ll show you a group that’s already infiltrated by the feds.

I spoke to a young woman earlier this week. She’s normally virtually silent on politics. She’s one of those folk who get along with everyone. And pretty much out of the blue, she asked what I thought the dividing lines in the coming revolution will be. Because she assumed one is about to happen.

After clarifying that she meant a geographical divide, I told her the only way to predict that is to look a county by county map of elections, that any geographical divide is generally going to be (Dim) urban versus (Rep) rural.

Maybe, sorta, to start. I referred her to my Remedial Practical Civics series, and specifically to “A hunting we will go!.”

This mess won’t — mostly — be militias doing small unit field ops against fed and police troops. It’s going to be individuals hitting 100 degrees C, one at a time, and picking a convenient politician. It will suck for everyone, on all sides.


Once you’ve made the big jump and taken out the first scumsucker, why stop? They can only execute you once, after all.

Whose blood? For starters, the ones they see as immediately responsible for the mass violation of their rights. Then the idiot celebrities, media hairsprayheads, and ignorant useful idiots who pushed it.

Then they’ll look around and think, “I’ve got nothing left to lose now. How ’bout that mother-effer in the Zoning Department who made me tear down my deck after I spent ten grand on it?”

Chaos. Not recommended. For a fictional portrayal of what societies look like after it all falls apart, I recommend John Ringo’s The Last Centurion (complete with a pandemic originating in China).

We don’t want to go there.

The totalitarians confused the boiling frog analogy with reality. In real life, gradually turning up the control-freak heat to infinity doesn’t boil people who aren’t physically in a pot of water. But the pot does boil over.

Real soon now.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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