Why Harden Schools?

Karine Jean-Pierre Says Joe Biden Not Interested in “Hardening Schools” Because the Problem is with Guns
“The problem is with guns,” Karine Jean-Pierre said tp White House reporters on Tuesday.

“There’s been conversation about hardening schools, that is not something that [Joe Biden] believes in,” Jean-Pierre said.

What do they care; they’ve harden the Capitol and the White House.

Why harden 100,000 schools now, when they can just go after 434 million guns?

Sure, the problem of confiscating guns is three orders of magnitude greater — more expensive — than schools, but it isn’t their money.


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Time To Ban Tylenol

Suicide by Poisoning Attempts Among Children Rise Sharply
There were 276 deaths among the self-poisoning attempts and 14,916 cases of “major effects,” which may include long-lasting symptoms.

The two most common substances used in the suspected pediatric attempted suicide cases were the over-the-counter pain killers ibuprofen and acetaminophen, according to the study.

Do it for the children. If it saves just one life

Man, I wouldn’t have thought of acetaminophen as a method of suicide. For a reasonably sure, but horribly drawn out and painful death, you’d need to eat a whole bottle.

At least. Because the long term liver damage if you survie the overdose is going to make you miserable for whatever remains of your life.


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One Known Threat, Or Millions Of Innocent Targets?

On May 24, 2022, a deranged sack of shit, seemingly well-known in his town for being a deranged sack of shit…

“He liked hurting animals,” Trevino said. “I’m told he killed the cats and carried around the bag of bodies for s–ts and giggles.”

…shot and wounded his own grandmother, at two children, apparently two or three police officers, and killed nineteen elementary schoolchildren, and two more adults.

On May 24, 2022, 100+ million Americans with around 434 million firearms, did not murder nineteen children.

On May 24, 2022, millions of Americans, with around 20 million AR-pattern firearms, did not murder nineteen children.

Guess which group — known psycho, or innocent Americans — Democrats and chosen to target and punish.

One lone nutjob murdered children with an AR-pattern rifle.

Millions of Americans with tens of millions of AR-pattern rifles did not.

Clearly, the fault lies in the AR-pattern rifle.

One crazed killer; previously known to his community.

Millions of innocents.

Obviously, at a ratio of 19:1, it will be easier and cheaper to attack the innocent and take their guns, than to locate the few known crazies already reported to the FBI.

Go after one crazed the feds already known about, or tens of millions of innocent gun owners who have done nothing?

If I had the money, I’d be investing in body bag companies. Because tehre’s no way this turns out well.


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Apparently This Was The First Time These Researchers Ever Met Heterosexual Men

I don’t see a funding citation, but I’m guessing this was your tax dollars at work. Or play. Or… whatever.

Heterosexual Men Act Differently Around Women With Visibly Erect Nipples, Study Indicates
As before, the heterosexual men were asked to rate pictures of women with and without nipple erections, as well as being asked a range of questions designed to test their change in attitudes, such as whether they would lend her $100, help her if her car was broken down, or provide tutoring sessions. The male group, it transpired, was much more likely to help the women with erect nipples, particularly when that help would require them to be in close proximity to the woman with erect nipples.

I don’t know about researcher Rebecca Burch, but if David Widman is not exclusively gay, I’ll be surprised.

Us straight, adult men already knew this. Part of growing up is learning to think with our top heads, and not that easily distracted lower one.


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Everything Old Is New Again

I ran across this alleged chemistry test answer this morning.

“First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

It’s baaaack.

It’s amusing. It seems like I first ran across that better than 20 years ago. But in a quick search this morning, the earliest iteration that popped up was merely a bit over 17 years old.

It’s variously attributed to a generic university student, University of Washington, or University of Arizona. Probably others; those were the ones I noticed.

Usually it’s just posted as a joke. But I found a few that took it absolutely seriously…

…as both proof of the nonexistence of Hell, and thus proof of the existence of God; and as proof of the nonexistence of Hell and therefore the nonexistence of God.

One of the seemingly serious ones — I think a pro-God post — started on a rant about the noncorporeal state of souls and whether Boyle’s Law applies. I got out of there before reading further. Either someone is a great troll, or he needs a life.

Some of the more recent iterations imply that this is from a recent college test. That’s fairly easy to disprove.

The answer isn’t prefaced with a rant about the concept of an immortal soul is an artifact of white male patriarchy.

It doesn’t begin with a 12-page exposition on determining the gender-identity of disembodied souls.

Compressed gas/souls would be “oppressurized,” while gases/souls of expanding volume would be “liberated.”

And did you notice that student assumed Theresa’s gender?

Yeah, this is silly. But I have no doubt my newsfeeds will shortly be chock full of infuriating BS, so I wanted to start my day on a lighter note. While I can.

Be glad I’m not posting cat videos. Yet.


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Dim Rep Endorses High Capacity Magazines

He’s just too stupid to realize it.

Dem Rep. Allred: ‘How We’ve Approached Car Safety’ Is ‘Right Model’ for Guns
During an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday, Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) stated that the appropriate model to look at with gun regulations is “how we’ve approached car safety over the years, to progressively find ways to make cars more safe on the road, whether that’s seat belts or speed limits, or moving forward with more safe technology in the vehicles themselves.” And that “Nobody’s talking about taking away your cars. They are saying though, that you can’t drive an F1 around, you can’t go certain speeds, you can’t do certain things because it’s dangerous.”

Sure treat guns like cars.

High capacity magazines go for hundreds of rounds per fill-up.

No more background checks to buy.

No more arbitrary age limits to buy or possess.

No more licenses unless you take your gun on a public roadway. (Of course, half the states no lonfer require carry licenses anyway, so we’re halfway there.)

Gun Mufflers! Finally.

Fully automatic transmiss… actions no longer NFA restricted.

Hmm… there goes the undetectable firearms act, seeing as feddie fleet mileage requirements encourage stripping out as much metal as possible.

Hey! Kit cars guns are back.

And 4473s are out.

Sure, there’s still downsides, like registration. But maybe we can work that out in negotiations, seeing as Allred has already caved on damned near everything else.

Why not email Allred and thank him… for being a complete idiot.


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That Didn’t Work. Do It Some More.

Ah, Canada…

Trudeau moves to implement ‘national freeze’ on handgun sales across Canada
“Two years ago, our government banned 1,500 models of assault-style weapons… We also expanded background checks to keep firearms out of the wrong hands,” said Trudeau. “… Now, as we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action.”

Trudeau announced that he would put forward legislation that would implement a national freeze on handgun ownership. “What this means is that it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada,” he said to applause.

Let me know how that works out for you. I’m sure it will magically be better this time.


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Someone Missed The Memo

A comment was posted on one of my columns at The Zelman Partisans. Whooo boy. It ended with this line.

Thanks to JPFO for your efforts to educate the voters.


I can assure Nay that I have had nothing to do with JPFO since that 2A quisling and marketeer Gottlieb took it over.

I think that most of us associated with The Zelman Partisans think about the same way as I.

Aaron founded JPFO in 1989 to be a hardcore, educational, predominantly Jewish voice for the right to keep and bear arms. JPFO also often expressed Aaron’s own creatively quirky voice. After he died in December of 2010, his organization stumbled and nearly went under. Although it eventually began to come back strong under new leadership, in 2014 its board made a secret deal to sell JPFO off to the The Second Amendment Foundation, whose philosophy and style are the opposite of Aaron’s.

The Zelman Partisans is our first response. Most of The Zelman Partisans were connected in some way to JPFO during Aaron’s lifetime. We will not let Aaron’s philosophy — the philosophy to which we are all also committed — be watered down, betrayed, or “disappeared.” We will stand by it and carry it unswervingly into the future.


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Seems like Franklin Had Some Applicable Words For This Idiocy

The context is firearms.

“It isn’t up for debate” always seems to mean, My position is so weak that I can’t debate it;, so shut up and do what I say.

Christians should always be on the side of laying down our rights for the benefit of the vulnerable. This isn’t up for debate

Wanna bet?

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

And since the excuse is Christianity, I see someone mentioned John 3:16.

For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

But let’s go full-secular. How exactly would 100+ million people, who did not commit murder, giving up their right to defensive arms protect a single child from those who demonstrably do commit murder?

I think Ward really means Give up your rights, so I can lord it over you.


Your move, Ward.


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I Think There’s A Reason Her Email Address Is So Hard To Find

Stacker.com’s Ellen Dewitt, that is. While I’m generally pretty good with a search engine, I am unable to find contact data for Dewitt. If anyone can find her address, please pass it on so I can share my thoughts about this ridiculuous piece of urinalism.

25 terms you should know to understand the gun control debate.

I admit, it some ways this is far from the worst — overall, anyway — example of the genre. Some things are merely mildly annoying.

Firearm Owners Protection Act
Enacted in 1986, the Firearm Owners Protection Act addressed aspects of the 1968 law that were seen by many as going too far. It loosened regulations of interstate transfers, some gun sales, and record keeping.

I’d have stressed that it “loosened” interstate transport, banned federal gun/gun owner registration, and killed new NFA machine gun sales.

Assault weapons ban
The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994 aimed to get certain semiautomatic weapons off the streets. It expired 10 years later.

It banned not a single existing firearm. It banned — for a ten year period — sales and imports of new “assault weapons.”

And speaking of “assault weapons,” let’s move on to the point where Dewitt’s idiocy shines, and goes beyond “annoying.”

Assault weapon
An assault rifle can fire in fully automatic mode, meaning when the trigger is pulled and held down, the weapon will shoot continuously until the trigger is released or the gun runs out of ammunition. Machine guns are assault rifles. It is a politically laden term, as major gun groups say it was made up by the anti-gun lobby and that guns don’t assault people.

Funny; in all the years I’ve been tracking this, I haven’t found a single bill or law that included any fully automatic weapon in the class of “assault weapon.” Probably because fully automatic firearms are already heavily regulated in federal and state laws.

“Assault weapon” bills do commonly included some revolvers. And single-shot rifles. And in jurisdictions that do legally define “assault weapon,” the descriptions vary; an “assault weapon” in one state may or may not be an “assault weapon” in another. There’s no such thing in my state.

Automatic weapon
An automatic weapon loads another round mechanically after the first round has been fired. It can be semiautomatic, firing one shot per single pull of the trigger, or fully automatic, loading and firing ammunition until the trigger is released, the ammunition is exhausted, or the weapon jams.

Well, she started out OK with the first sentence. Except that the term generally used in federal and state laws for what she describes is “machinegun” (or “machine gun,” as the term changed from the NFA ’34 to the regulatory language in the CFR).

But she went off the rails with the second sentence, where she begins describing a select-fire assault rifle. “Assault rifle” is a subclass of “machinegun” (automatic weapon). All assault rifles are machineguns, but not all machineguns are assault rifles.

And no “assault weapon” is a machinegun/automatic weapon.

Semiautomatic weapon
Semiautomatic rifles fire one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, automatically loading the next round from the magazine into the chamber. They also are called self-loading rifles or auto-loading rifles.

Apparently there is no such thing as a semiautomatic handgun. All semiautomatic weapons are rifles?

Dewitt is in serious need of The Zelman Partisans’ GUN CULTURE PRIMER, particularly the “Types of firearms and ammunition” section. But it would hurt her to read the parts on Heller and MCDONALD.


Second Amendment
The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Seemingly endless debates revolve around its intent, what comprises such a militia, and the extent of its protection of individual rights to own guns.

Well, we have the settled law of Heller and MCDONALD. Maybe Dewitt should also check out TZP’s entries on Militia and Samuel Whittemore. What, and who, the militia is, is pretty damned definite.


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