That’s A First

I don’t follow baseball, but the first story I heard about this was weird enough to catch my eye: a guy was about to make MLB history by being the first to play for both teams in the same game. Then I saw this follow-up story.

He did it.

Quirky History: MLB Catcher Plays for Both Teams in a Game

Not only did he play for both teams, but by an odd coincidence…

He played catcher for himself at bat.

Sorta. His old team used a pinch hitter to sub for him.

Doctors For Boundary Violations

Since my voter registration status has ZERO to do with health, that’s a pretty serious ethical breach.

Did You Know? Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote – Includes a Script for Undocumented Aliens – Led By Harvard Dr. Linked to Kamala Harris
Vot-ER is a group of 50,000 physicians who are signing up patients to vote in the 2024 election. The group is led by Dr. Dr. Alister Martin who served as a White House Fellow in the office of Kamala Harris.

Added: This aspect is interesting.

“Doctors have used Vot-ER’s tools to register patients in cancer hospitals, emergency rooms, substance abuse clinics, palliative care departments,”

Palliative care? They’re registering dying people? So they someone can vote after they die?

But there’s more!

“…even neonatal intensive care units.”

I’m fairly sure that no state allows newborns — that being what any patient in a neonatal ward is — to legally vote.


Every now and then, I take a look at how things are going in the rest of the world.

Here we have the “official” results of the Venezuelan presidential election.

Interesting math.

Infant Mortality Rises For First Time 20 Years

Guess what they’re blaming it on.

US infant mortality increased in 2022 for the first time in decades, CDC report shows
The infant mortality rate in the United States rose in 2022, the first jump in 20 years, according to data released Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Got your guesses ready? Here it is.

Covid-19 also probably played a significant role in the rise in infant mortality in 2022, Stevenson said. Infections in pregnant women who were exposed to the coronavirus during the major surges in 2021 could have affected infants who would be born in 2022.

You got it, didn’t you?

If it was caused by ChinCOVID, I would have expected the increase to begin two years earlier in 2020…

…when ChinCOVID started making major inroads in America (the first cases were actually found in late 2019, via antibody testing).

I blame the pseudo-vaccines. In fact, I predicted we’d see an increase like this after the pseudo-vax was authorized.

Biden’s Signature

Folks are questioning whether Biden himself actually signed that letter dropping out of the race. Everyone is looking at that underlining beneath his name.

It is odd, but… Over the years I’ve occasionally embellished my signature in various ways, including a quick underline. I don’t think it’s necessarily significant.

Biden’s signature — and I’ve looked at quite a few examples this morning — varies a lot; full name, initials, and so forth.

Bit look at this. On the left is a previous example of Biden’s signature. On the right is as signed on the drop-out letter. Look at the “B.”

In all other previous examples, the upright of the “B” curves to the right, as in the sample on the left. All. Sometimes the upright is contiguous with the curves, sometimes it’s separated. But that upright always curves to the right… until this last drop-out signature.

That’s odd. Or maybe it’s an artifact of his worsening Parkinson’s. But odd.

A lot odder than an underlining.

Yep. They wanted Trump dead.

It isn’t even a conspiracy theory anymore.

Secret Service Tells Senators Shooter ‘Identified’ Roughly 50 Mins Before Trump Took Rally Stage, Sources Say
USSS also spotted Crooks on the roof from which he opened fire about 20 minutes before shots rang out, according to ABC News, citing its own sources familiar with the briefing.

That would be ten minutes before Trump even took the stage. They watched a shooter for ten minutes and let Trump on-stage.