$15.00 Per Hour

The Dims want to raise the federal minimum wage to $15.00/hour. Small businesses correctly say that will force them to lay off workers. Smarter workers realize that their current… say, $10.00/hr is more than zero when laid off.

Why is the Dims every response to “underpaid” workers to screw the businesses?

Rhetorical question, of course. Business bad; must be punished. Cannot look at our own failings, cannot risk losing our power.

That’s exactly why my proposal will never fly. But here goes. You should probably swallow your coffee and set the mug down, away from your computer.

All righty; $15.00 does look like a reasonable level, given the Dims’ assertion that less than that is not a “living wage.” So why are those heartless monsters taxing away the money they say workers are barely scraping by on?

No wage or salary below:

  • $15.01/hr
  • $600.04/wk
  • $2,601.73/mo
  • $31,220.80/yr

…can be subject to any income tax. Not at the federal, state or local level. No withholding of taxes, just to cruelly make these poor people file returns to finally get their money back.

To clarify, if someone makes $16 an hour, only one dollar of that is taxable, and withholding may only be done on the taxable dollar(s).

And suddenly everyone has an effective pay raise without costing small business anything but updated payroll software. The Dims can brag that they actuall helped everyone, just for once.

Other naysayers will exclaim that regulating state and local governments like that is unconstitutional. No more than than regulating small businesses. As if the Constitution even meant anything anymore.

Sure, the only way to “pay” for such a tax cut would be to cut vote-buying pork (and Chinese loans); so this will never happen. But I can day dream.

And in a really blue sky world, once we saw how well this worked, we could take it a step further.

Resolved; the total tax burden for a citizen shall be no more than 20% of their gross pay. Tax burden shall include, but is not limited to,

  • federal, state, and local income tax
  • Social Security withholding
  • Property tax
  • Federal Universal Service Charge
  • Environmental Compliance Cost
  • Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery
  • Municipal Franchise Fees beyond basic business licensing
  • Rural Electric Development Fund
  • sales tax
  • any other service charge imposed by government to fund programs

Right now the cost of a product made in America includes

  • income tax on workers providing raw materials
  • income tax on workers turning raw materials into parts
  • income tax on those assembling parts into products
  • income tax on those transporting materials, parts and products
  • income tax on clerks stocking shelves with the products
  • income tax on checkout clerks
  • income tax on janitors cleaning the stores
  • income tax on company and store management, and admin clerks and jerks

Boom. Everyone has more to spend on less expensive products.

Never happen. Because the Dims will never ever makes the sacrifices they demand of everyone else.

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Georgia ChinCOVID Mass Vaccinations

Georgia is opening drive-thru mass vaccination sites. We’ll ignore the basic stupidity of drive-thru vaccinations when people really need to be observed for at least 30 minutes, for possible adverse reactions. But we will look at this:

The drive-thru sites in Albany, Macon, Hapeville and Clarkesville, which opened Monday, are expected to have the supply and manpower to administer 1,100 doses of COVID vaccine a day or 22,000 a week, according to a statement from GEMA.

I’m not sure if that’s Common Core Math or just bad reporting. Maybe reporter Cooper meant to say “each location will administer 1,100 doses of COVID vaccine five days per week or 22,000 a week in total at all locations.

Oh, well. But four locations. How would you choose where to put them, if you wanted to — you know — actually fight a pandemic? Maybe you’d pick infection hot spots.


“The four sites selected all have surrounding populations with high percentages of minorities and individuals with incomes below the poverty line.”

Not hot spots, but racial and economic demographics. Why?

Georgia’s EMA decided site locations based on “community equity profiles” created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which she described as “a report that FEMA produces that shows the racial makeup, economic stats and other pertinent information for each county.”

Not that I’m a fan of the CDC, but — in theory, at least — wouldn’t it make more sense for the Centers for Disease Control to issue guidelines for… controlling a disease?

By the way, this is the ongoing crisis that calls for even more emergency mass vaccinations.

We peaked almost two months ago (two weeks before Gropin’ Joe & Ho were sworn in). Yep, better hurry up and open those sites before the “pandemic” burns out completely, so you can claim credit for the fix.

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Well, I got the date wrong…

… but …

The motions of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. for leave to intervene as petitioner are dismissed as moot.

I knew they’d do, but I thought it would be quicker after the inauguration.

Added: Let’s be clear on what they ruled to be moot.

The Georgia case — while it had multiple elements — was that 1) the Constitution says state legislatures set voting rules, 2) Georgia state law sets rules for who can turn in a ballot and where, and how to validate signatures. 3) Without legislative approval, the Georgia Secretary of State Scum changed those rules via an agreement with the state Dem party.

Therefore, our election was conducted unconstitutionally.

The Supremely-Stupid Court Clown Show just ruled that the Constitution and rule of law are moot.

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Biden Strikes Again

You’ve got to watch this video clip (FecesBook, but it’s where I could find a clip that would load) from the CNN Biden “town hall.”

Gropin’ Joe says Blacks and Hispanics can’t figure out how to get online so they can register to get ChinCOVID “vaccine.”

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Nope, nope, nope

Last year, before ChinCOVID vaccinations started, I predicted big problems with the mRNA vaccines. Short form: the vaccines hijack cell ribosomes to force them to mass produce foreign proteins. Foreign proteins trigger allergic reactions. Produce enough, and you can induce anaphylactic shock.

And sure enough, that is what we got.

But I also noticed that a lot of people were coming down with ChinCOVID after vaccination. I chalked that up to the “vaccine” (please note that Fauci’s running around telling people it won’t give you immunity; the defiition of vaccine is something administered that grants immunity) simply being ineffective.

Oh, boy. Dangerous and ineffective. You ain’t getting that needle in my arm.

But I ran across an interesting term this morning; something I’d never heard of before: “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE).

It turns out that a known phenomenon is the body producing suboptimal antibodies that attach to enemy viruses, but don’t result in the destruction of the virus. In fact, when that happens, it can make it easier for the virus to invade cells to reproduce.

All the way back in May 2020, researchers were warning about exactly that with COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the Pfizer. You see, the protein that the Pfizer –and Moderna — “vaccines” cause the body to produce are one protein similar to one in the real virus protein coat. Antibodies produced in response to the fake protein might be able to attach to real virus, but be…

suboptimal. And causing antibody-dependent enhancement of COVID-19. They, and others, were particularly concerned about SARS-CoV-2’s COVID-19, because the very similar SARS-CoV-1 (also MERS) showed a tendency towards ADE in animal models with those vaccine attempts.

I said I first heard of ADE this morning. It was in this article from Germany.

Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home: the terrible dying after vaccination

For the first time, there is an eyewitness report from a Berlin nursing home on the situation after the vaccination. It comes from the AGAPLESION Bethanien Havelgarten retirement home in Berlin-Spandau. There, within four weeks after the first vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine Comirnaty, eight of 31 seniors, who suffered from dementia but were in good physical condition according to their age before the vaccination, died. The first death occurred after only six days, and five other seniors died approximately 14 days after vaccination. The first symptoms of the disease had already appeared shortly after the vaccination.

As of that writing, 11 more are sick and at risk of death.

So… They’re pushing “vaccines” that they say won’t confer immunity, that might kill you flat out (low probability for most individuals), and might make ChinCOVID worse if you’re exposed. Quack Fauci says the “vaccine” will reduce the symptoms if you get ChinCOVID.

Nope, nope. Ain’t happening. At best, that’s a treatment for a disease. I’m not taking a treatment for a disease I don’t have any more than I would shoot up a non-diabetic with insulin.

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Spaceport Camden Is A Corrupt Graft Scam

If you hadn’t figured that out already, I present definitive proof.

DoD officials wanted to know if an analysis had been done for buildings at Kings Bay that may house large ordnance. The base maintains and stores nuclear ballistic missiles that are carried aboard Ohio-class submarines deployed from Kings Bay.

The probability of a rocket malfunction turning toward Kings Bay, combined with a failure of the autonomous termination system, has not been considered, consultants said.

The possibility of a rocket going off-course towards a nearby (@ 5 miles) military base with nuclear weapons

“has not been considered”!!!

They’ve been trying this for years. They’ve spent over $9 million.

And I’m to believe they never “considered” the question that I and others have been asking for at least six years?

The Navy forced us to close our dinky little general aviation airport (contributing to a suicide), but they never considered potential impacts on a nuclear base?

If this was for real, if it was anything but a scam to steal taxpayer money, that would have been the very first thing they would have checked. They would have figured that out before spending another penny, much less $9,278,164 (and counting).

It’s well past time for county commissioners and Howard to go to prison.


Consider that.

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Yertle tells GOP Senators to vote their conscience

Lacking such, I guess they all have to abstain from voting.

Report: McConnell not urging GOP to clear Trump in impeachment, says to vote their conscience
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has told Republicans to vote their conscience when deciding on former President Donald Trump’s fate following an unprecedented second impeachment trial, according to a report Tuesday.

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So I finally watched a Superbowl commercial

Larry Correia was mocking the Jeep ad, so I decided to watch it to better understand his remarks.

That is some seriously condescending, insulting, ignorant bull shit. Written by New Yorkers for New Yorkers, who never landed in fly-over country. So naturally it’s all just a desolate, barren wasteland, sparsely populated by weird rednecks.

And how do they “appeal” to fly-over countrians? “I know! Let’s put a cowboy hat on a leftwing millionaire from New Jersey. If even a guy who calls them “bums” and a “fucking nightmare” will deign to wear a cowboy hat, they’ll buy our crappy Jeeps.”

Here’s an idea, Jeep: Instead of insulting us, try building vehicles that won’t fall apart if they encounter anything rougher than the occasional speed bump.

Oh, and Springsteen? Fuck you, too.

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