I don’t make a habit of reading CNN, but for once I’m glad I spotted this.
WHen I heard this morning that the hydraulic bollard barriers, installed to prevent people driving down Bourbon Street, were even deployed, I told my sister, “I’ll bet they’re broken.
After all, this is the same city that didn’t bother to keep all their levee pumps working — to keep the below sea-level city from flodding — because the ones they had were able to keep up. Until Hurricane Katrina. Oopsy.
“The barriers were in the midst of being repaired and replaced, but in actuality, in this instance, the individual circumvented the barriers by going on the sidewalk and getting past the area where they had police vehicles, where the repair barriers were at,” Morrell said on “CNN News Central.”
I knew it. But again…
“So in this instance, even had the bollard barriers been up, the circumvention by riding on the sidewalk would have defeated them.”
So forget working or not. They installed them wrong. Either positioned wrong, or not enough off them. You could just drive around them.
It isn’t as if some bad guy intent on murdering as many people as he can would fail to respect the barriers, right?