First, Harris was going to skip the Al Smith charity dinner, breaking a long tradition of presidential candidates attending. I saw various bits of speculation as to why including that it’s a Catholic event.
Now it seems she will attend. Sort of.
I suppose some staffer realized completely skipping it was a bad look.
Virtually. She sent a prerecorded video.
I have my own speculation on why she won’t be there. I recall what Trump did with his 2016 Al Smith speech. It was hilariously brutal.
For instance…
It’s great to be here with a thousand wonderful people, or, as I call it, a small intimate dinner with some friends. Or as Hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season.
In fact, just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me and she very civilly said, “Pardon me.”
And I very politely replied, “Let me talk to you about that after I get into office.”
Kneepads didn’t want to hear what Trump would say about her.