Georgia is opening drive-thru mass vaccination sites. We’ll ignore the basic stupidity of drive-thru vaccinations when people really need to be observed for at least 30 minutes, for possible adverse reactions. But we will look at this:
The drive-thru sites in Albany, Macon, Hapeville and Clarkesville, which opened Monday, are expected to have the supply and manpower to administer 1,100 doses of COVID vaccine a day or 22,000 a week, according to a statement from GEMA.
I’m not sure if that’s Common Core Math or just bad reporting. Maybe reporter Cooper meant to say “each location will administer 1,100 doses of COVID vaccine five days per week or 22,000 a week in total at all locations.
Oh, well. But four locations. How would you choose where to put them, if you wanted to — you know — actually fight a pandemic? Maybe you’d pick infection hot spots.
“The four sites selected all have surrounding populations with high percentages of minorities and individuals with incomes below the poverty line.”
Not hot spots, but racial and economic demographics. Why?
Georgia’s EMA decided site locations based on “community equity profiles” created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which she described as “a report that FEMA produces that shows the racial makeup, economic stats and other pertinent information for each county.”
Not that I’m a fan of the CDC, but — in theory, at least — wouldn’t it make more sense for the Centers for Disease Control to issue guidelines for… controlling a disease?
By the way, this is the ongoing crisis that calls for even more emergency mass vaccinations.
We peaked almost two months ago (two weeks before Gropin’ Joe & Ho were sworn in). Yep, better hurry up and open those sites before the “pandemic” burns out completely, so you can claim credit for the fix.
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