Hundreds Of Congressional Staffers Anonymously Sign Letter Demanding The Eradication Of Hamas

That post title is about as credible as this BS:

Hundreds Of Congressional Staffers Anonymously Sign Letter Demanding Gaza Cease-Fire
At least 400 Congressional staffers have anonymously signed a letter urging members of Congress to push for a cease-fire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.

An anonymous letter anonymously and allegedly “signed” by 411 unidentified people is meaningless.

Anyone can draft a letter demanding anything and “sign” it with “411 Staff of the United States Congress.”

Kinda like…

An Open Letter From Congressional Staff:

We are Jewish and Muslim staffers and allied staff across the Hill. Each day, we come to the United States Capitol to serve the American public. Out Families, histories, and faith traditions are deeply rooted in Jerusalem, Israel, and Palestine. As the children of survivors of slavery, the Holocaust, colonialism, war, and oppression, we feel compelled to raise our voices in this moment.

As the descendants of survivors of these terrible things, we demand a permanent end to them.

Even as Hamas, murderous instigators of the current conflict in Israel, demands that Israel cease fire, it and its associates like the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah continue to fire rockets into Israel, targeting civilian noncombatants.

Clearly the only way to permanently end these atrocities is to permanently end Hamas and its associates. To that end, we implore our bosses, Members of the United States Congress, to join calls for Israel to eradicate Hamas from the face of the Earth, while avoiding — to extent that human-shield wielding Hamas allows possible — casualties among civilian noncombatant not supporting Hamas aggression.

As this is Israel’s standard modus operendi (“This is David calling”), they should have no problem with this, and will likely appreciate the rest of the world getting out of the way of completing the job.


411 Staff of the United States Congress

Unless and until those 411 alleged staffers actually sign their letter, my parody has just as much credibility as the “cease-fire” letter.

Published by


2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

2 thoughts on “Hundreds Of Congressional Staffers Anonymously Sign Letter Demanding The Eradication Of Hamas”

    Absolute….. COWARDS.

    Don’t even need a fork.

    Please, stand up, applaud yourselves and take a Bow.
    A deep, looong, slooow Bow.

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