AP: Public School Math Grads

So the Minnesota moose population is “stable.” And I’d guess those “wildlife managers” were in the same class as the AP reporter.

Minnesota moose population drops, but remains stable overall
Minnesota’s moose population has dropped in the past year but wildlife managers say it remains relatively stable overall.

Using the numbers listed that report:

The moose population crashed 30% from 2022’s high of 4,700.

The population is 410, 11%, below the ten year average of 3,700.

Best yet, the population is down 60 percent from 2009’s 8,000. Even that 2022 “high” was 42% lower than 2009.


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TZP Column: “Gun Violence” Lethality

I haven’t shredded a lousy gun violence study lately, so I think it’s time again. CBS, never really known for accurate reporting, has provided a decent opportunity with their claim that “Gun violence in the U.S. is becoming more fatal.” To support that claim, they cite this study.
I’m always hoping to see more decent research on firearms. Sadly, this is not that day.
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Finally, Dims Find Something They Shouldn’t Regulate

White House Says Lawmakers Shouldn’t Decide ‘Appropriate’ Age For Sex Changes
“I’m wondering what the president’s reaction is to the Indiana governor signing that bill into law, and does the president have a position on at what age these kinds of therapies and surgeries are appropriate,” Wegmann said.

“That’s something for a child and their parents to decide. That’s not something that we believe should be decided by legislators,” Jean-Pierre responded.

But government mandated minimum ages for voting, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, tattoos… that’s all good.

To be fair, Dims there things Dims think children should be able to do: abortion comes to mind, as does assisted suicide. There’s pushing miscarriage and myocarditis-inducing ChinCOVID pseudovaccines.

I’m starting to wonder if the clever space aliens really are here.

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Slow Learner

I saw an earlier report about this, but this one…

YouTuber known for pranks shot in the abdomen while filming at a mall, suspect arrested
A YouTuber known for pranking people was shot at a Washington, D.C.-area mall on Sunday. Tanner Cook, who appears on the “Classified Goons” YouTube channel, said he was playing a prank when a man shot him.
Tanner Cook told WUSA he has no ill will and he will not stop making his videos.

Keep that up and you may stop permanently, dumbass.

The other story I saw had a few more details. Even that one didn’t specify what “prank” he was pulling on the guy who shot him; but it did say he was dressed as a clown and verbally harassing people, screaming at them, and threatening to vomit on them.

Work on the marksmanship, Alan.

I remember another clown prank Youtube video a few years ago. Idiot was hiding ij bushes at night and jumping out and “attacking” people with an axe. Then he pulled it one a couple walking by.

Male half of the couple pulled a gun, swept his lady back, and told her to run. He held his ground and ordered the clown to stop.

That clown also couldn’t figure out why someone would pull a gun on him. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong.”

I checked his location and sent him a list of state and local felonies and misdemeanors he’d committed. I think I found 5-6 things he could’ve been charged for. I also gave him the applicable self defense laws, and explained the the man would have fully justified in shooting him, and he was damned lucky the guy showed remarkable restraint.

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No, It Wasn’t Me

I know how to work around high voltage.

2 Georgia men died by electrocution while breaking into a power company substation, police say
Two Georgia men stealing copper wire at an electrical power station died by electrocution and the subsequent force of a transformer explosion, the Gainesville police department told CBS News.

Around 3 a.m. Monday, police received a call from someone at a nearby business saying there had been an explosion at the power substation by the old mill, Lieutenant Kevin Holbrook told CBS News. Thieves were attempting to steal copper wiring and electrical components, police said.

Amateurs. Although blowing up the transformer, too was mildly impressive.

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TZP Column: Turns Out “Ghost Guns” Aren’t Really Popular With Bad Guys

The Associated Press ran a story about the terrible proliferation of privately manufactured “ghost guns” in the hands of those who can’t legally possess firearms. They probably should have taken a closer look at their own data.
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Technically, They Aren’t Wrong

But they might as well claim he was in a shootout outside of NYC.

BREAKING: Fmr Chief of Staff to Larry Hogan wanted as fugitive dies in shootout with the FBI outside Nashville
According to FOX 5, McGrath, 53, was located by agents Monday at a shopping center in the 10700 block of Kingston Pike at Lovell Road in Knoxville at approximately 6:30 pm. He was shot and wounded during the arrest and then taken to the hospital. It remains unclear if the FBI agents shot McGrath or if he shot himself.

Well… yeah. Knoxville is outside of Nashville. By about 180 miles.

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Confusing Covenant School Shooting Update

I just ran across this report, and the calibers listed are puzzling. Which I’ve very long since come to expect of the lamestream media.

Nashville Christian school shooter fired 152 shots in massacre plot months in making, police say
Hale fired 152 shots during the attack, police said, 126 from 5.56 rifles and 26 from a 9mm handgun. Police had recovered two rifles and a pistol from the scene and several more at the suspect’s home, including a sawed-off shotgun.

126 5.56 rounds, and 26 from the 9mm handgun. But nothing from the Kel-Tec SUB-2000 carbine seen used in surveillance video?? In fact, in the video, I can’t even see the presumably 5.56 PSA Lead Star Arms Grunt braced pistol.

Here’s the actual MNPD Covenant Investigation Update, which I figure was the basic of the Faux Snooze report.

The investigation shows that Hale fired a total of 152 rounds (126 5.56 rifle rounds and 26 nine millimeter rounds) from the time she shot her way into the school until she was killed by police.

The cops do say 5.56. Maybe the braced pistol (with the current ATF rule on braces, I’ll sort of accept them calling it a rifle) simply wasn’t visible in the grainy video.

But the police update does not say the 9mm rounds came from Bucket O’chum‘s pistol. Since the SUB-2000 comes in either 9mm or .40 S&W, that might account for the SUB-2000 rounds. Perhaps the bitch used that to blast through the glass doors, then transitioned to the Grunt.

The police’s only reference to any pistol in that update is:

Officer Michael Collazo discharged a total of four rounds from his department-issued nine millimeter pistol.

So I guess Faux reporter Ruiz needs to work on his reading skills.

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DL Renewal: That Was Interesting

I had to renew my driver license today. I got a reminder card in the mail, and it said I could opt to renew online.

Sure, anything that reduces my wait time at the DMV (DDS now; name changed) office is good. I figured they’d just pre-input my data so I’d just do the vision test and photograph at the office.

Nope. I just verified that my old info is good. No vision test. They recycle my old DL photo… from eight years ago.

If that’s good enough for them, it works for me (same thing happened when I renewed my carry license, which I thought was odd at the time since I did have to go in person for that).

Better yet, I got a five buck discount for doing it online.

As bureaucratic BS goes, that was astonishingly easy.

I also noticed that Georgia did away with the old four or six year (which ever it was) license, and all the regular licenses are good for eight years. I guess no one was even bothering with the shorter option anymore.

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If you needed more proof that “country music” ain’t anymore…

Here ’tis.

CMT Uses Music Awards to Announce Partnership with Gun Control Group
CMT used its 2023 Music Awards to announce a new partnership with Sandy Hook Promise, a gun control group founded after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Sandy Hook Promise: a bunch of serial liars; somewhat more blatantly than even Everytown. Which I’ll admit is quite an accomplishment.

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