Warning: Rap Video

Rap is not something I normally listen to, nor would a I normally share a rap video. But there’s a reason.

My sister sent me a link to this video, and asked me what I noticed about the guns.

The guns… not much. The title seems to suggest they’re all props, but what I can get a decent look at appear realistic. Maybe “props” means they’re deactivated.

But I definitely noticed something related to the guns. See if you spot it, and tell me how many times you’ve seen it in other rap videos (it’s a first for me; but again I rarely see ’em).


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

4 thoughts on “Warning: Rap Video”

    1. Depends on what state that is, but in most of the country — barring any specific disqualifier — they can possess firearms. Think hunting, target shooting, a kids shooting classes.

      I don’t think too many of them could lawfully purchase those guns from an FFL, though.

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