I wonder just how large the overlap is, in those criticizing a private school for its “bias,” and those cheering on Twitter for its lefty bias.

Christian school refuses to change long-held policy excluding sexual behavior despite alleged death threats
A private Christian school in Florida is not backing down from a long-held policy that students not partake in sexual behavior outside of marriage despite alleged death threats against school leaders and accusations that the school is targeting gay and transgender students.

It’s a Christian school; what do people expect?

I like that they could only find one parent allegedly pulling her lesbian daughter out of the school. I’m sure the hundred-or-so people on the school’s waiting list appreciate her generosity.


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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

One thought on “I wonder just how large the overlap is, in those criticizing a private school for its “bias,” and those cheering on Twitter for its lefty bias.”

  1. Remember….there are NO RULES that the left must worry about.
    Only conservatives can be “racists”, can be “biased”, can be wrong.

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