Lefties Finally Found Second-Hand Smoke That’s OK

If you fail a drug test in Seattle or Portland, just explain that you ride public transportation, and University of Washington says it’s fine.

Relax Commuters, a Study Says Crackheads Smoking Drugs in Buses and Trains Aren’t a Health Hazard. We Have Questions.
Recently, we were told by Seattle area public health officials that there’s no harm from second-hand smoke from hard drugs – fentanyl, meth, crack – smoked on the buses and trains. The concern began with drivers worried about being poisoned. Drivers were also worried about driving the public while unintentionally high.
Researchers detected methamphetamine in 98% of surface samples and 100% of air samples, while fentanyl was detected in 46% of surface and 25% of air samples. One air sample exceeded federal recommendations for airborne fentanyl exposure at work established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. No similar guidelines exist for airborne methamphetamine.

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2A advocate, writer, firearms policy & law analyst, general observer of pre-apocalyptic American life.

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